Plan d'action national

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View the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights


Main Coordinating Authority

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Drafting Process

Research and interministerial discussions leading to the development of the action plan were conducted over a period of around 6 months. Within this process, interviews were conducted to develop a report that then formed the basis of discussion for a series of stakeholder meetings.

  • An external consultant was used to aid in the preparatory phase. This also provided an element of independence in the drafting process which was appreciated by stakeholders.
  • 27 interviews with 50 representatives of the business community, civil society, and other experts, were conducted to gather a balanced range of perspectives, ideas and viewpoints on implementing the UN Guiding Principles.
  • 3 multistakeholder meetings were held.
  • Written submissions from stakeholders were also invited.
  • An interministerial group was formed.
  • An internal review of the level of the State's implementation of the UNGPs was conducted by the Government.


Main Priorities / Focus areas in the Action Plan

Pillar I - State Duty to Protect

  • An active role for the Government - with sections focusing on a level playing field for companies; and human rights and trade missions.
  • Policy Coherence - with sections focusing on sustainable procurement policy; international forums; trade and investment agreements.
  • Clarifying due diligence - with sections focusing on raising companies’ awareness; awareness raising by embassies, sector risk analysis; due diligence by government entities; and legally binding measures.

Pillar II: Corporate Responsibility to Respect

  • Concluding sectoral Responsible Business Conduct agreements.
  • Improving transparency and reporting.

Pillar III: Access to Remedy

  • Scope for Remedy - including judicial and non-judicial mechanisms; companies complaint mechanisms; legal aid funds; legislation with extraterritorial application.

Review and Monitoring

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the primary responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the NAP. It provides letters to the Dutch Parliament on progress made, which feature in both an annual report on human rights, and a bi-annual report on responsible business conduct.

Netherlands 2014
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