Centre européen de formation et d’information des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux et de la population dans le domaine des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques- ECMHT




Addresse : AZ - 1073, Azerbaijan, Baku, A. Soultnova str.-5

Tel.: 994 12 4 31 49 55

Fax: 994 12 4 31 49 55

E-mail: [email protected]



Novembre 1995


Council of administrative - scientific advice (Composition : local scientists and specialists - 7 persons, on mutual collaboration and consulting - 4 persons: the directors of Centres of Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia and Bulgaria).

Directeur du centre: Prof. H. Ojagov

Personnel Permanent du Centre: 3 persons


Diffuser dans tout le pays l’expérience internationale en matière d’information de la population sur les principaux aléas ; organisation de la protection et élimination des conséquences des catastrophes.



Mise en place d’une formation au niveau licence afin de disposer de personnel national qualifié en gestion des risques de niveau universitaire (en collaboration avec le ministère de l’Education et l’Université d’Etat de la construction)


Programme général portant sur la prévision continue des effets sanitaires des substances nocives (matériels dangereux) libérés dans l’atmosphère lors d’accidents industriels (en collaboration avec le Centre TESEC de Kiev)

Utilisation du programme « SESAME » (expérience française) dans des écoles d’Azerbaïdjan.


Conférence scientifique et pratique de 2007 : « Principes d’organisation de l’enseignement de la culture du risque dans les établissements d’enseignement secondaire dans le cadre des réformes de l’enseignement menées en Azerbaïdjan » (en collaboration avec le ministère de l’Education).

Conférence scientifique et pratique de 2009 : « Règles d’organisation de la protection civile et interventions lors de situations d’urgence dans les conditions de propriété privée dans les zones rurales. Obligations des entrepreneurs, des municipalités et des autorités exécutives locales (en collaboration avec le ministère de la Justice et l’Association des municipalités d’Azerbaïdjan).


  • 1996 : “The role of local and regional authorities in information and preparation of the population for extreme situations” Materials of the International seminar. 1000 copies
  • 2000 : “Estimation of danger in urban areas, subjected to chemical pollution” (both in English and Azerbaijani languages.) 300 copies
  • 2001 : “Classification of natural disasters” .300 copies
  • 2001 : “Organization of activity on risk management in the educational institutions” (translation of “SESAM” program to azerbaijan language)100 copies
  • 2002 : The program for pre-school education: “Bases of the safety for pre-school adults” 700 copies
  • 2004 : “The psychological factors in risk management (human factor)” .300 copies
  • 2009 : “Disaster medicine during emergency situations and organization of psychological assistance for population” 300 copies (both in English and Azerbaijani languages.)
  • 2009 : Training film according to prepared scenario about “Classification of the natural disaster happened in the area of the Azerbaijan Republic last years”


  • International conference 1996 : “The role of local and regional authorities in information and preparation of the population for extreme situations”. Together with Sumgait City Community Authority and «Azerkimya» State Company. With participation of the representatives of France, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Georgian Centres
  • Seminar -- consultation 1999 : “Situation of the training of the general education schools and perfection ways of it in according with the “FORM -OSE” program” Together with Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic
  • Round table 1999 : “Opportunities of the preparing of teacher cadres on the protection knowledge of the training for the general education schools” Together with Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic
  • International conference 2000 “Estimation of risk of chemical pollution in urban areas” Together with Sumgait City Community Authority and «Azerkimya» State Company. With participation of the representatives of France, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Georgian Centres
  • Scientific-practical conference 2000 : “Methodology of estimation and management of risk” Together with «FOVGAL» Assosiation
  • Scientific-practical conference 2001 : “Estimation of the effect, made by industrial and common wastes on the pollution of Sumgait city’s water section of Caspian Sea” Together with Sumgait City Community Authority and "Azerkimya" State Company
  • Scientific-practical conference 2002 : “Marking on maps of zones subjected to landslides in the republic, estimation of their occurring and possible danger”
  • Colloquium 2002 : “Possibilities of setting up the national monitoring system on technological disasters occurring in the republic” Together with «FOVGAL» Assosiation
  • Round table 2003 : “Organization of defense system control over under-ground water resources and supply of fresh water to the population“ Together with Scientific Research Institute of Water Problems of Republic
  • Colloquium 2003 : “Estimation of seismic risk in large industrial cities of Azerbaijan Republic” within “STRIM” program Together with Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency and Centre of Seismic Service
  • Symposium 2004 : “Importance and real possible ways of preparation of masters’ degree in the republic – high skilled national cadres for risk management at university level” Together with Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic and the chair of “Life activity security of University of Architecture and Construction
  • Round table two-year project 2004-2005 : “The health and environmental effects of dangerous wastes as a result of industrial accidents and preventive measures taken against their occurrence” Together with «FOVGAL» Assosiation
  • International seminar 2006 : “Use of water reserves and integrational management during the processes of globalization” Together with Scientific Research Institute of Water Problems of Republic
  • Scientific-practical conference 2007 : “Role of municipalities, local and regional bodies in the information and preparation of the population for emergency situations”Together with «FOVGAL» Assosiation
  • International conference 2008 : “Application of standardized technologies against natural disasters in local and regional planning” Together with «FOVGAL» Assosiation
  • Round table 2009 : “Disaster medicine during emergency situations and organization of psychological assistance for population” Together with Azerbaijan State Medical University
  • Scientific-practical conference 2010 : “Scientific and practical principles(rules) of the preparation of taught program and materials on the safety of life activity for general education schools” University of Architecture and Construction and Together with «FOVGAL» Assosiation
  • Scientific-practical conference 2010 : “Maintenance of endurance and safety of schools, hospitals and other child educational institutions in emergency cases” Together with University of Architecture and Construction