Project CyberEast: Action on Cybercrime for Cyber Resilience in the Eastern Partnership Region was launched

20 June 2019 Bucharest, Romania

Following exchange of signatures between the European Union and the Council of Europe in June 2019, the joint European Union / Council of Europe project “CyberEast: Action on Cybercrime for Cyber Resilience in the Eastern Partnership Region” has formally commenced on 20 June 2019. The CyberEast...

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Snapshot of the Cybercrime@EAP 2018 results

17 December 2018 Bucharest, Romania

As the Cybercrime@EAP 2018 concludes at the end of this year, please watch the results of this project that worked on international and public/private cooperation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. Watch the video here!

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Cybercrime@EaP 2018: Regional Conference on Cybercrime Strategies and Closing Event of the Project held in Tbilisi

11-13 December 2018 Tbilisi, Georgia

As part of the EU-funded Partnership for Good Governance between the EU and the Council of Europe, the EU and the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC) organized the Conference on Cybercrime Strategies and Closing Event for Cybercrime@EaP projects on 11-13 December 2018 in...

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Cybercrime@EaP 2018: Highlighting cybercrime capacity building at Georgian Cyber Security Forum

9 November, 2018 Kvareli, Georgia

The Georgian Cyber Security Forum is an established security professional dialogue platform since 2012, held once or twice a year and organized by the Data Exchange Agency of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. The Forum brings together both public and private agencies that are identified as...

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Cybercrime@EAP 2018: EaP countries participate in Cyber Drills at Cyber Week Moldova 2018

29 October – 2 November 2018 Chisinau, Moldova

The Cybercrime@EaP 2018 project, implemented by the Council of Europe with funding of the European Union, supports participation of law enforcement and CSIRT/CERT officers from EaP countries at regional exercises organized in the framework of the Regional Cyber Week & Expo 2018 in Chisinau,...

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Cybercrime@EaP 2018: Regional ECTEG Training on Live Data Forensics in progress in Baku

22-26 October, 2018 Baku, Azerbaijan

Proper and up-to-date skills of investigators working on cybercrime and electronic evidence are essential in successful criminal justice response to threats of cyberspace. The Live Data Forensics, as a subject looking into particular aspects of forensic examination of devices with active...

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Cybercrime@EaP 2018: Meeting on further capacity building on cybercrime in the Eastern Partnership region

12 October, 2018 Bucharest, Romania

Cybercrime and other cyber-enabled offences involving electronic evidence remain major challenges for societies of the Eastern Partnership region. Attacks against and by means of ICT emanating from those countries are of concern to other geographical areas including the EU Member States. These...

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Cybercrime@EaP 2018: Contribution to OSCE High Level Conference in Minsk

9-10 October, 2018 Minsk, Belarus

When it comes to prosecuting terrorist offences committed with the aid of information-communication technology or similar acts of extremist material, the same principles applicable to investigating cybercrime or any other crimes committed by means of computer systems or data should be adhered to....

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Cybercrime@EaP 2018: Technology of Network Investigations unveiled through ECTEG training

1-5 October, 2018 Yerevan, Armenia

The Cybercrime@EaP 2018 project, for the first time in its duration, is partnering with the European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG) for the delivery of the Course on Network Investigations for investigators, prosecutors and forensics experts from Armenia, Belarus and Moldova....

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Cybercrime@EAP 2018: Support to Internet Governance Forum and Youth IGF 2018 of Ukraine

27 - 28 September 2018 Kyiv, Ukraine

Similar to efforts in previous years, the Cybercrime@EaP 2018 project has contributed to work of the Youth Internet Governance Forum (Youth IGF-UA) and the main Internet Governance Forum of Ukraine (IGF-UA) on 27 and 28 September 2018. The Internet Governance Forum of Ukraine (IGF-UA) and Youth...

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