Cooperation against Cybercrime

1-2 April 2008 Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

The 2008 Conference focused on the cooperation between service providers and law enforcement, the state of cybercrime legislation and the effectiveness of international cooperation.

In the face of the increasing vulnerability of societies to the threat of cybercrime  the Conference provides a platform for enhancing cooperation among key stakeholders from around the world.

On the agenda:

  • Service provider - law enforcement cooperation
    • The state and effectiveness of cybercrime legislation
    • The identification of new cybercrime threats
    • International cooperation and the functioning of 24/7 points of contact.


  • The Conference was opened to those professionally involved in matters related to cybercrime:
  • Criminal justice and law enforcement officials, including 24/7 points of contact
  • Representatives of ministries, parliaments or other institutions involved in cybercrime legislation
  • Private sector representatives, including in particular service providers
  • International organisations
  • Non-governmental organisations and researchers.

The plenary sessions as well as workshops 1 and 3 were opened to the media.

The conference adopted a set of conclusions and the guidelines for service provider - law-enforcement cooperation.

The Conference was followed by the meeting of the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) that took place on 3 and 4 April 2008.

Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

Assistante de programme

Contactez le secrétariat