Retour GLACY+: Costa Rica joins the countries that received Basic Judicial Training on cybercrime

GLACY+: Costa Rica joins the countries that received Basic Judicial Training on cybercrime

The GLACY+ project is delivering the first Introductory Training of Trainers (ToT) Course on Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence in San José.

The medium term goal of this course is to establish a group of Costa Rican trainers able to instruct and equip their peers with the basic skills and knowledge required the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime and cyber-related crimes.

The training is supported by the Office of Technical Assistance and International Affairs (OATRI) of the General Prosecutor Office of the Republic of Costa Rica, also acting as the main counterpart in the coordination of GLACY+ activities at the national level.

The Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union in Costa Rica, Mr. Pelayo Castro Zuzuárregui was present during the opening ceremony and underlined, in his speech, why it is crucial to prepare judges and prosecutors to deal with the ever increasing number of crimes committed through or against computer systems or involving evidence in electronic form.

This activity was organized joining resources with Cybercrime@Octopus project.

San José, Costa Rica 11-15 February 2019
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