Retour Cooperation on cybercrime in the Pacific: PILON meets in Vanuatu

Cooperation on cybercrime in the Pacific: PILON meets in Vanuatu

The 3rd meeting of the Cybercrime Working Group of the Pacific Island Law Officers Network (PILON) is focusing on the international sharing of electronic evidence.

In the opening session of the regional meeting, Leotrina Macomber, Chair of the PILON Cybercrime Working Group, noted that geographical isolation did not make the Pacific region immune to cybercrime. Creating the ability for Pacific Island States to share electronic evidence must remain a priority.

Stephen Bouwhuis, from the Attorney General’s Department of Australia, stressed the relevance of this PILON workshop for cooperation against cybercrime between all participating partners and States.

Justice Daniel Fatiaki pointed at the increasing importance of electronic evidence in Vanuatu for any type of offence, including, for example, cases of family violence. He expressed his hope that the draft law on cybercrime, once adopted by Parliament, will permit more extensive international cooperation to secure evidence.

The chair of the Cybercrime Convention Committee, Cristina Schulman, underlined the need for legislation on cybercrime and electronic evidence as the foundation for criminal justice and the rule of law in cyberspace. She welcomed that most Pacific Island States are currently developing such legislation and are considering accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. The Council of Europe is prepared to support this process.

The meeting is organised with the support of the Government of Vanuatu, the Government of Australia, the PILON Secretariat and the Council of Europe, and with the participation of experts from fourteen Pacific Island States as well as New Zealand, USA and INTERPOL as well as Apple, Facebook and Digicel from the private sector. The Council of Europe contributes through the joint project with the European Union on Global Action on Cybercrime Extended (GLACY+).

Check the workshop webpage for presentations and more resources.

This activity was organized joining resources with Cybercrime@Octopus project.

headline Port Vila, Vanuatu 27-31 May 2019
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