Retour iPROCEEDS: Workshop on online financial fraud and credit card fraud

SKOPJE, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" , 

Cybercrime of today is driven mostly by financial gain and thus rapid detection and action on illegal money flows on the Internet often a necessity to identify and minimize damages from the criminal activity. Most cybercrime reported and investigated by criminal justice authorities is related to different types of fraud and other offences aimed at obtaining illegal economic benefits. Online financial fraud and credit card fraud are highly profitable criminal activities and generating proceeds often being their primary purpose. In the past years there was an increase in CEO fraud, a crime which affects businesses of all sizes in both the private and public sector. To respond effectively to these threats, co-operation is crucial between the law enforcement agencies and the industry through enhanced information sharing and public/private partnerships.

The iPROCEEDS project in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior have organised a workshop in Skopje on online financial fraud and credit card fraud, aiming at strengthening the capacity of the national criminal justice authorities to search, seize and confiscate online crime proceeds generated by such criminal activities and enhancing cooperation with the private sector.

Participants representing the relevant national authorities and the banking sector discussed current threats, trends, as well as countermeasures and various initiatives in the field of detection, investigation and prosecution of online financial fraud and credit card fraud, social engineering, and BEC/CEO fraud.


Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

Assistante de programme

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