Retour iPROCEEDS: Training of Trainers: delivery of the Introductory Judicial Training Module on cybercrime, electronic evidence and online crime proceeds

Skopje, North Macedonia , 

Under expected result 6 of the joint project iPROCEEDS, a Training of Trainers for the delivery of the Introductory Judicial Training Module on Cybercrime, Electronic Evidence and Online Crime Proceeds was held in Skopje from 2 to 6 April. With the aim of establishing a pool of local trainers capable to further deliver the Introductory Module to judges and prosecutors from their countries, 12 representatives from North Macedonia and Turkey were effectively trained both in subject matter and pedagogical skills. The combination of sessions on content - cybercrime, technology, electronic evidence, international legislation in the field, financial investigation, money laundering typologies of online proceeds, as well as international and public-private cooperation- and training skills – individual and group exercises/work - equipped participants with the desired knowledge required to fulfill their trainer roles in the future.

The judicial training institutions from Turkey and North Macedonia will thus be able to regularly organise training courses on the above-mentioned topics being put at their disposal both comprehensive training materials and committed national trainers. The first iteration of the Introductory Judicial Training Module on Cybercrime, Electronic Evidence and Online Proceeds will follow in spring and autumn, respectively.


Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

Assistante de programme

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