Retour iPROCEEDS: Third Meeting of the Project Steering Committee

Luxembourg , 

The third meeting of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) of iPROCEEDS took place in Luxembourg on 12 June 2017 with the purpose of overviewing the progress made towards objectives and results for the period January - June 2017 and approving the working plan for the next six months.

From January – June 2017, there have been more than 40 activities implemented and more than 30 are planned to be organised by the end of the year.

The PSC included:

  • Representative of the European Union;
  • Representative of the Council of Europe;
  • Representatives of a specialised cybercrime prosecution units or prosecutors specialised in supervision/prosecution of cybercrime cases;
  • Representatives of a financial intelligence units (FIU);
  • Representatives of a financial investigation units, etc.

The PSC composition reflects the aim of providing the best possible cross-section of views, to enhance the planning efforts and enable information sharing, and to facilitate coordination and collaboration in the field.

The next Project Steering Committee is planned to take place in December 2017.


iPROCEEEDS project website

Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

Assistante de programme

Contactez le secrétariat