Retour iPROCEEDS: Public-private cooperation for fighting cybercrime and online crime proceeds

Belgrade, Serbia , 

Cooperation between criminal justice authorities and private sector entities is essential to protect society against cybercrime.

The Joint project of the European Union and Council of Europe – iPROCEEDS is supporting the organisation of a meeting on “Public-private cooperation for fighting cybercrime and online crime proceeds”, in Belgrade, Serbia.

The activity aims to raise awareness on cyber threats, potentials risks, vulnerability and consequences, provide information on new trends and cyber-criminal activity in the country, as well as to enhance public-private cooperation to prevent and detect cybercrime.

Representatives of the Special Prosecutor’s Office for High-Tech Crime, Cybercrime Unit of the Ministry of Interior, Financial Investigation Unit of the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), National Bank of Serbia, as well as the private sector – ISPs and Association of Serbian banks, are taking part in the conference.

Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
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