Retour iPROCEEDS: Online Financial Fraud and Credit Card Fraud Workshop

Belgrade, Serbia , 

In the past years the world saw an increase in CEO fraud, a crime which affects businesses of all sizes in both the private and public sector with tens of thousands of victims worldwide resulting in the loss of billions.

Payment cards remain a very popular payment method and therefore a target for criminals. Debit and credit cards skimming still represents a major threat. Card-present and card-not-present fraud is widely spread with forged cards and compromised credit card details being used to commit high volume crime, with tens of thousands of victims.

In this respect, the iPROCEEDS Project has organised a two days’ workshop in Belgrade, Serbia on online financial fraud and credit card fraud.

The workshop aims through an increased knowledge of different trends and typologies of online financial fraud and credit card fraud to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the Serbian criminal justice authorities to search, seize and confiscate online crime proceeds generated by such criminal activities.


Secrétariat du T-CY

Alexander SEGER
Secrétaire exécutif

Manager de programme

Assistante de programme

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