Retour iPROCEEDS-2: Strengthening the cooperation between the Criminal Justice Authorities, financial sector and ISP in Serbia

Belgrade, Serbia , 

To react efficiently and effectively to challenges posed by associated cybercrimes to rapid technological advancements, state authorities and the private sector need to find straightforward means of collaboration by establishing continuous and trustful communication.

The Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC), and the iPROCEEDS-2 project, a joint action of the European Union and the Council of Europe, supported Serbia judicial authorities to strengthen their cooperation with the private sector, specifically with local banks and Internet Service Providers (ISPs), by organising a specific conference in Belgrade, Serbia.

The activity took place on 16 September 2022 and was attended by more than 37 professionals from state institutions, banks, and ISPs, including Republic Public Prosecution Office, Special Prosecution for Cyber Crime, Higher Public Prosecution Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior-Financial Intelligence Unit, Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering, National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), National Bank of Serbia, Association of Serbian Banks, SHARE Foundation, Orion Telekom, SBB and Yettel representatives.

The most relevant topics were related to the current inter-institutional cooperation status, rising challenges in the cybercrime arena, and plans to improve public/private shared actions. It was concluded that joint campaigns to raise awareness of the public about existing cybercrimes and new cybercrime trends are necessary. Signing agreements on cooperation between state authorities and private sector are also desirable to protect individuals and legal entities from this type of criminality.

In addition, the organisation of a meeting with Special Prosecution for Cyber Crime, Ministry of Interior, and ISPs representatives in the lights of the Second Additional Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention ratification was discussed and planned for the near future, aiming to analyse the obligations of state authorities and the private sector in terms of international cooperation.

The iPROCEEDS-2 project will continue to provide support and guidance to interested authorities in South-East Europe and Turkiye, especially in the  context when capacity-building support is more important than ever.

iPROCEEDS-2 project webpage