
As in the previous years, at the premises of the Superior Council of Magistracy, but also in the courts and the prosecutors’ offices in Romania, the European Day of Justice will be celebrated by organizing open doors activities for citizens, students and professionals in field of justice. Other activities such as round tables with the stakeholders of the judicial system, meetings and presentations for students, justice auditors and clerks will also be organized.

This year, the Superior Council has decided to go further and, besides those activities, we will launch on the same day the Practical Guides – Models of requests for the court-users in civil and criminal matters. These instruments are created for the court users and they are aiming setting up models of complaints / petitions that are going to be filed in front of the courts and criminal investigation bodies. In this manner, the court users are going to have important tools for the defense of their rights and lawful interests. These guides are being published and can be accessed free of charge on the website of the Superior Council of Magistracy, of the courts and prosecutors’ offices (

The event will take place at the National Institute of Magistracy and it will enjoy the participation of important stakeholders of the Judiciary such as the President of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Chief Justice or the Minister of Justice.