
25 Octobre 2010

(Contribution originale en anglais)

District Court of Keski-Suom open doors on 22 October 2010

As part of the European Civil Justice Day the District Court of Keski-Suomi will organise a day of open doors on 22 October 2010. A moot court, short lectures and information on different types of civil justice proceedings will be offered to citizens. The media is also invited to this special event.

Central Finland District Court arranges on 22 October 2010

  • Open House Event at 12.00-15.00

During the day, the visitors may:

  • attend a show/mock trials arranged by the Criminal Division
  • visit information desks at the Disputes Division concerning institution of proceedings, mediation procedure, summary matters, statistics and general information as well as a desk with different forms available
  • visit information desks at the Division for Petitionary Matters, concerning e.g. bankruptcies and reorganisation procedures
  • visit an information desk at the Registry Office

  • A conference/discussion is arranged for representatives of the media at 9.00-11.00.
  • The opening ceremony of the Central Finland District Court is held for invited guests at 18.00-21.00.
    Approximately 150 people will be attending the event.

The opening ceremony is held this late because the Court was under renovation until the summer.

In addition, the District Court will arrange a cooperation meeting for attorneys, lawyers at lawyer’s offices and public legal aid attorneys in the evening of 9 December 2010.