Back Information sessions for youth organisations about the EYF upcoming 1 April deadline

Information sessions for youth organisations about the EYF upcoming 1 April deadline

On 29 February and 1 March the European Youth Foundation hosted an informative session in Brussels to assist youth NGOs in preparing for the upcoming April 1st grant deadline for international activities and annual work plans. The main aim of the session was to raise awareness about the grant application process, key criteria of international activities and annual work plans and spread news about the recent updates for EYF grants, such as digital reporting, instructions for grant financial management and reporting, grant agreements etc. In total 24 representatives from 20 organisations participated in the session.

In addition to the in-person event, for those who could not attend the information session in Brussels, an online information session was organised on 11 March. The online session was attended by 26 participants.

Strasbourg, France 11 March 2024
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