The European Youth Foundation is visiting projects it is supporting and run by non-governmental youth organisations.

Through the visits the Foundation expects to increase the visibility of the EYF and the Council of Europe; give feedback to the Programming Committee on Youth (more about the Committee); establish contact with youth NGOs; get to know NGOs and the work they do.

Visited projects are organised by non-governmental youth organisations (NGOs) which are registered with the Foundation and received a grant. (More information on the application process).

Projects visited by the European Youth Foundation


EYF monitoring visit to the annual work plan "Time capsule: Education 2040"

18 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

On 16 and 17 July 2024, the European Youth Foundation staff conducted a monitoring visit to the international activity of OBESSU, in Vilnius, Lithuania. The event was part of the 2024 annual work plan of OBESSU "Time Capsule: Education 2040”, a project aiming to create spaces for school students...

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EYF monitoring visit to the annual work plan of the Youth and Environment Europe (YEE)

16 July 2024 Strasbourg, France

On 14 and 15 July 2024, the EYF secretariat carried out a monitoring visit to an international activity of the YEE annual work plan “Cultivating Resilience: Empowering Youth to Address Eco-Anxiety”. The aim of the visit was to monitor implementation of the project and promote further co-operation...

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Monitoring visit to an international activity of EYCE -Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe

10 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

On June 5-6, the EYF conducted a monitoring visit to the international activity of the Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (EYCE) in Malaga, Spain. The event "The Shelter We Seek - A Critical Reflection on Church as a Safer Space," was a five-day international training course that brought together...

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EYF monitoring visit to the annual work plan of SAME - Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe

3 June 2024 Strasbourg, France

On 31 May and 1 June, the EYF secretariat carried out a monitoring visit to the international activity of Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe (SAME), in Lubeck, Germany. This was an international seminar to support new youth organisations to carry out a solidarity action day in their...

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Monitoring visit to AEGEE

13-14 May 2024 Brussels, Belgium

On 13 and 14 May 2024, the European Youth Foundation (EYF) staff visited the final activity of Europe on Track 10 “Digital Voices, European Choices : Youth Impacting Tomorrow”, the 10th edition of AEGEE-Europe’s flagship project Europe on track. The activity took in the headquarters of the...

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