News 2015
Online survey - UN's Special Session on Drugs
The CSTF aims to include the voice of young people and bring their ideas and solutions in the UNGASS process.
Interviews with Programming Commitee members
Programming Committee members speak about their role, responsibilities and what they enjoyed the most.
Grant decisions taken by the Programming Committee
The PC met on the 3 - 4 December at the EYC Strasbourg for its 34th meeting. It approved a number of EYF grants.
EYF (Re)mix Seminar 2016
If you are an international or a local youth NGO that is registered in the EYF database this invitation is for you!
EYF publishes No Hate Speech Movement resource
With this publication, the EYF would like to outline its involvement in the NHSM campaign and to present examples of the projects that are being supported.
Want to organise a pilot activity?
Are you planning an activity at local level responding to specific needs and/or challenges of young people?
Decisions on EYF grants
The Programming Committee on Youth will meet at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on 3-4 December 2015.
EYF website revamped!
Want to know what the EYF can offer you? What kind of organisations and projects we support?
Pilot activity decisions
Strasbourg, 20 October 2015 Unlike the other grant types, applications for pilot activities do not have a specific deadline. Pilot activity applications must however be submitted at least three months before the beginning of the activity. The decisions on application are then usually taken by the...
Final report of the 2nd European Youth Work Convention
Strasbourg, 19 October 2015 The European Youth Work Convention 2015 was one of the flagship initiatives of the Belgian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe (November 2014 - May 2015). It took place five years after the 1st Convention, organised in Ghent from 7 to 10 July 2010 in the framework of...