
Action accessible to all including newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner : Sport against Racism Ireland (SARI)

Status of the project owner:  National NGO

Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Migration / Youth / Social integration / Professional integration / Intercultural exchange / Health / Citizenship / Gender equality / People with disabilities
Website of SARI


  Irish Republic

Geographic scope of project: National

Project objectives: Develop competences for active citizenship / Accede to skills for labour market/employment / Promote social diversity / Develop language skills / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote access to voluntering in sport / Create adaptive sport for people with disabilities

Types of sport or physical activity carried out: Association football / Gaelic games (7 games) / Cricket / Athletics / Table tennis / Hockey / Baseball / Softball

Partnership / supports: Grants (UEFA Foundation for Children - FIFA Football for Hope) / Human Resources (80 Volunteers) / Legal (Solicitors) / Other partner (Professional Sports Coaches)

Project duration: 3 years (+ 7) (start: 2011 - end: 2020)

Project status: Underway

Supervising staff: Professionals / Volunteers

Summary of the project: SARI is a volunteer driven social enterprise with charitable status using the medium of sport for social inclusion and cultural integration along with using sport to combat all forms of discrimination and promote peace at home and abroad in a human rights framework. SARI has seven projects: Annual Soccerfest, Annual World Refugee Day Fairplay Football Tournament (with UNHCR), 'One Race, Human Race' Athletics Meet, Stick With Diversity (various stick games), Cricket (Beach Cricket and Ranji Trophy (in partnership), Gaelic Intercultural Games (with Gaelic Athletic Association), Football Against Racism Action Weeks and eight programmes: Soccernites, Hijabs and Hat Tricks/Diverse City FC, 'Socrates' Football for Democracy, Living Together Through Football (with Glentoran Academy, Belfast), 'Scoring Global Goals' for UN Sustainable Development Goals, 'Count Us In' anti-discrimination school workshops, 'Team Up' for Employability through Sport, International Solidarity Internships and Exchanges.


Country of origin: indigenous Irish / Africa (10 countries) / Europe (16 countries) / North/Latin America (6 countries)

Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker / Economic migrant / Migrant in transit

Target beneficiary: Families / Women only / Teenager-Young people

Target age group: 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-60

Contact form to project owner