Vertical Club

Action accessible to all including newly arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: NATURE
Status of the project owner:  National NGO
Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Migration / Youth / Social integration / Professional integration / Intercultural exchange / Informal learning through adventure education and adventure therapy projects 
Website of NATURE


Geographic scope of project: Regional
Project objective: Develop competences for active citizenship / Acceed to skills for labour market/employment / Promote social diversity / Develop language skills / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote access to voluntering in sport /
Types of sport or physical activity carried out: Indoor and rock climbing / Initiations in other rope related sports (for example speleology)
Partnership /  supports: Grants
Project duration:
Project status: Underway
Supervising staff: Professionals / Volunteers
Summary of the project: The Vertical Club is a climbing club in Brussels that believes in the power of cultural exchange. Every Saturday we come together to climb indoor in Brussels. In the summer, we also make trips to the rocks. All our session are free. This way, we try to create a social environment where everybody has the possibility to be part off. Our aim is to have a mixture of local people and refugees. Sporting together creates the opportunities to get to know each other, including each other's background. We would like go a step further and dilate the social environment across the border of Belgian. In the future we see the club expanding to other Belgian cities.

Summary of the project in original langage: De Vertical Club is een Brusselse klimclub die gelooft in de kracht van culturele uitwisseling. Elke zaterdag trainen we indoor. In de zomer reizen we af naar de rotsen om ook buiten te klimmen. Lid zijn van onze club is gratis. Op deze manier creëren wij een sociale omgeving waar iedereen deel van kan uitmaken. Onze deelnemers zijn zowel lokale mensen als vluchtelingen. Iedereen is welkom. Door samen te sporten breken we barrières en ontstaat er een sfeer waarin we elkaar kunnen leren kennen. In de toekomst zien wij dit project graag uitbreiden naar andere Belgische steden.

Read more about The Vertical Club


Country of origin: No specific country origin required
Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker / Economic migrant
Target beneficiary: Teenager-Young people
Target age group: 11-20 / 21-30

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