Football against racism in Hungary

Action accessible to all including newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Deen Gibril

Status of the project owner:  National NGO

Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Youth / Migration / Social integration



Geographic scope of project: Local

Project objective: Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote social diversity

Types of sport or physical activity carried out: maily football

Partnership / supports: Human resources (Oltalom Charitable Organisation, Hungarian Red Cross, Subjective Values Foundation)

Project duration: 1 year (start: June 2019 / end: June 2020)

Project status: planned project

Supervising staff: Professionals and Volunteers

Summary of the project: The project will be a part of the regular activities of the Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organisation, created in 1992. It will aim at combating discrimination and fostering social inclusion of people of migrant descent and other minorities (mainly Roma Community in Budapest) through sport, more specifically football. We will ideally work with youngsters coming from different backgrounds to strenghten their understanding of tolerance, multiculturalism and inclusion, as opposed to racism and discrimination.

Our objectives are among others to reduce discrimination in Hungarian football, to empower minority groups to become active actors in a multicultural society, to strenghten social inclusion of minorities  by increasing their involvement and participation in sport in the community, to raise awareness and knowledge about ethnic discimination and racism in local community, youth and football supporters, to provide young people with tools for understanding diversity and to encourage communication between people of migrant descent. 


Country of origin: Romania, Gambia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Cameroon, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda

Type of migration: Refugee, Asylum seeker

Target beneficiary: Teenager-Young people

Target age group: 11 - 30

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