Jeunes Mineurs Isolés et Sport

Specific action dedicated to newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Groupement Emblavez Jeunes
Status of the project owner: Local organisation
Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Migration / Youth / Social integration / Citizenship


Geographic scope of project: Local
Project objective: Acceed to skills for labour market/employment / Promote social diversity / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health
Types of sport or physical activity carried out: Football
Partnership / supports: none
Project duration: unknown
Project status: in progress
Supervising staff: Volonteers
Summary of the project: Reception in 2018 of 7 young people in a situation of unaccompanied minors and 6 in 2019 on a U18 team. The young people live 25 km away from the sport association. An educator from the association makes the round trips 3 times a week on a voluntary basis to allow these young people to follow the trainings and matches and helps them in their search for an apprenticeship. Solidarity is worked within the team as well as citizenship.



Country of origin: Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Guinea 
Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker / Economic migrant / Environmental migrant
Target beneficiary: Teenager/young people
Target age group: 11-20
