Federal Programme "Integration through Sport"

Action accessible to all including newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: German Olympic Sports Confederation

Status of the project owner:  National NGO / National Olympic Committee and umbrella organisation for all sports in Germany

Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Youth / Migration / Social integration / Health / Gender equality / Professional integration / Intercultural exchange / Citizenship / Inclusion / Works as National Olympic Organisation in the aera of competitive sports





Geographic scope of project: National

Project objective: Develop competences for active citizenship / Acceed to skills for labour market/employment / Promote social diversity / Develop language skills / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical and mental health / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote access to voluntering in sport

Types of sport or physical activity carried out: big variety of sports, special focus on sports brought by migrants

Partnership / supports: --

Project duration: no specific duration (start: 1989)

Project status: Underway

Supervising staff: Professionals and volunteers

Summary of the project: „Integration through Sport“ is a federal programme of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). The programme is implemented at federal level by the federal states sports federations. At the moment 2200 sports clubs actively participate in the programme. Since more than 28 years the programme has been supported by two reliable grant authorities, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees. Thanks to this promotion the budget of the programme reached 11.4 Mill. Euro in 2016 and 2017. DOSB defines integration as a long-lasting continuous process which aims to create equal participation chances for every person regardless of his/her place of origin in all spheres of modern society: economic, political, social. In 2015 the programme was opened for refugees in addition to migrants, the main target group. DOSB formulates its goals as follows: integration in sport / integration through sport into society / support of sports organisations in their integration work / promotion of voluntary commitment / promotion of intercultural opening / strengthening of social acceptance of sport as important actor in the field of integration. Via “Integration through Sport” sports organisations and facilitators can be made aware of issues of intercultural diversity, namely thanks to the very useful and practical tool called “Fit for Diversity”, which pursues following objectives: awareness-raising of trainers, training supervisors and managers of sports organisations for cultural differences / extension of intercultural competences / transfer of experiences in daily activities of sports clubs / integration of family members of target groups. Since 28 years the programme has gathered a very valuable experience in the sphere of integration and uses it for further development. DOSB also shares its experience in the European context. One example of this productive co-operation is the ASPIRE project.


Country of origin: Not specified - all persons with a migrant background, independently of their country of origin

Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker / Economic migrant / Environmental migrant / Migrant in transit

Target beneficiary: Families / Children / Teenager-Young people / Elderly / Men and Women

Target age group: all age groups

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