Specific action dedicated to newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: PREMECE - Foreign unaccompanied minors in street situation in Ceuta 

Status of the project owner: Governmental organisation

Area of work of the project owner: Migration / Youth / Social integration



Geographic scope of project: Local

Project objective: Develop languages skills / Educate and transmit values through sport / Develop intercultural relations and/or competency

Types of sport or physical activity carried out: Soccer

Partnership / supports: --

Project duration: 2 years (start: Dec. 2017 / end: Dec. 2019)

Project status: Underway

Supervising staff: Professionals

Summary of the project: The presence of foreign unaccompanied minors in street situation is a reality in some European cities. They are unprotected children and teenagers, exposed to criminal and victimological risk. The legal commitment to protect these minors, regardless of their status as immigrants, has put in check the European protection systems, guarantors of the well-being of every child in a situation of helplessness. Ceuta, as well as Melilla as Spanish cities, faces this challenge more intensely due to the permeability of its borders with Morocco. In this context, Ceuta has signed an agreement with the University of Malaga, implemented by the Observatory of the Crime control system towards Immigration (OCSPI), to develop a project of research and social intervention to prevent juvenile delinquency and protect these minors. Based on criminological theories of juvenile delinquency prevention and immigration, the specific objectives of the program are: to make a diagnosis of the situation of minors that do not adhere to the protection system; assist them in some basic needs; to develop strategies to prevent criminal behavior and to intervene with these children individually to provide individual responses, through the protection system, focusing on the child’s best interests. Sport is one of the best tools to achieve the integration of inmigrants children used in this program. In addition, the program aims to work with the key agents of the city, such as the police, for the protection of these minors and increase social peace.


Country of origin: Morocco 

Type of migration: Economic migrant / Unaccompanied foreign minors

Target beneficiary: Children / Teenager-Young people

Target age group: 11 - 20

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