European Youth Engaging in Solidarity and Sport (EYESS)

Specific action dedicated to newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: UISP - Italian Sport for all Association
Status of the project owner: National NGO
Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Migration / Youth / Social integration / Intercultural exchange /Health / Citizenship / Gender equality 


Geographic scope of project: International
Project objective: Develop competences for active citizenship / Promote social diversity / Educate and transmit values through sport / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote access to voluntering in sport
Types of sport or physical activity carried out: Football, volleyball, rugby
Partnership / supports: Erasmus + program
Project duration: 2 years
Project status: Underway
Supervising staff: Professionals
Summary of the project: Despite often distant national policies, non-governmental organizations, sports federations and universities in five European countries are committed together in the project European Youth Engaging in Solidarity and Sport (EYESS) based on the will to fight racism and encourage social integration through practice of sports disciplines.

20 young people from Italy, Greece, Hungary, Austria and Denmark will participate in the Mondiali Antirazzisti, where they will take part in a theoretical learning session concerning the organization of such an event, with a specific focus on the methodology used. The success of the Mondiali Antirazzisti is mainly due to the ability to build, over the years, a profitable and fertile international network active in the fight against racism and any kind of discrimination.


Country of origin: Italy, Greece, Hungary, Austria and Denmark
Type of migration: Refugee /Asylum seeker
Target beneficiary: Teenager/Young people
Target age group: 11-30
