Paris Sport Réfugiés

Action accessible to all including newly arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: FSGT (Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail)
Status of the project owner:  Local association
Area of work of the project owner: Sport
Website of FSGT


Geographic scope of project: Local
Project objective: Develop competences for active citizenship / Acceed to skills for labour market/employment / Promote social diversity / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote access to voluntering in sport
Types of sport or physical activity carried out: All sports
Partnership / supports: Grants (Ville de Paris) / Human resources (professionals of the structure) / Legal (French 1901 Law)
Project duration: 3 years
Project status: Underway
Supervising staff: Professionals / Volunteers
Summary of the project: The project carried out by  the Committee of Paris and  SPORTIS is a sustainable proposal that allows sport associations, voluntary educators and the Parisian citizens  to contribute to an integration project through sport,  built on practice for all, training and innovative teaching methods. Working with children, families and adults in the field of non formal education, this programme improves the skills of the educators and a wealthier sport and community life around entertainment spaces and local sports facilities.    


Country of origin: All countries that refugees and asylum seekers come from
Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker / Economic migrant / Environmental migrant / Migrant in transit
Target beneficiary: Families / Men only / Women only / Children / Teenager-Young people / Elderly
Target age group: 5-10 / 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-60 / 60 +

Contact form to project owner