Get2Sport for all

Specific action dedicated to newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Danmarks Idraetsforbund (DIF)

Status of the project owner:  Local Association (Sports Confederation of Denmark)

Area of work of the project owner: Sport
Website of DIF



Geographic scope of project: National

Project objectives: Develop competences for active citizenship / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency / Promote access to voluntering in sport

Types of sport or physical activity carried out: Soccer / athletics / taekwondo / tennis / cricket / riding / golf / cycling / basket / swimming / rowing / wrestling / judo / ping pong / volley

Partnership / supports: Grants (IOC)

Project duration: 2 years (start: January 2016 - end: July 2017)

Project status: Underway

Supervising staff: Volunteers

Summary of the project: The purpose of "DIF get2sport for all" was to establish a quick and extraordinary opportunity to help and support sports clubs, which reach out and invite refugees into their local sport community. In cooperation with the local refugee centers and municipalities who houses the refugees, DIF get2sport ensured that the refugees as soon as possible could be part of the local sport activities in the local sport clubs. The local voluntary coaches and leaders have driven the local sport activities.


Country of origin:

Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker

Target beneficiary:

Target age group:

Contact form to project owner