Back Updates to the approach for project adaptations relating to COVID-19

Updates to the approach for project adaptations relating to COVID-19

During the pandemic the EYF has offered exceptional levels of flexibility in project adaptations. While there are still precautions to be taken and national circumstances vary, organisations should keep these in mind when developing applications. 

We understand that it is not possible to predict all national developments in terms of e.g., restrictions, but as applicants you are expected to plan your project with the intention to complete it as described in the application. As always, the EYF will continue to support you in the implementation process. 

 What changes can still be approved?

Changes to project venues, team members, minor changes in the programme as well as activity dates (within the accepted timeline) and small reallocation of funds within the accepted budget

If you are faced with circumstances that require changes to your project, you should contact the EYF as soon as possible in the Online System. All changes are subject to EYF approval. If changes are made without EYF approval, there is a possibility of certain costs not being covered.

  I am still struggling to complete my 2020 or 2021 project, until when can I postpone it?

All changes are approved on a case-by-case basis and you are expected to clearly explain why you have been/are unable to implement the project as planned.

For extensions, the following guidelines apply:

If the sanitary situation(s) require, EYF supported projects with an original end date in 2020 (as indicated in the Grant Acceptance Form), can be extended until March 2022 but not further. These activities should be finalised by March 2022 and project reporting completed by May 2022.

Projects with an original end date in 2021 (as indicated in the Grant Acceptance Form), can be extended until July 2022 but not further. These activities should be finalised by July 2022 and project reporting completed by September 2022.

Activities planned to be finalised in 2022 (as indicated in the Grant Acceptance Form) should be implemented according to the timeline(s) given at the time of application.

Additional information can be found in the COVID-19 FAQ page.

Strasbourg 27 October 2021
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