Back Pilot activity grants to include some administrative costs

Pilot activity grants to include some administrative costs

The Programming Committee on Youth has decided to update the list of eligible costs in pilot activity grants, which now include certain specified administrative costs linked to the activity.

It is now possible to include certain administrative costs as eligible expenditure, as long as they are linked to the activity and for a maximum of 7% of the awarded grant.

More specifically, it concerns the following costs:

  • Part of staff salaries, corresponding to their time dedicated to the project. Please note that expert or trainer fees have always been eligible and are not considered salaries;
  • Office rent, insurance, electricity, water and heating costs.

Administrative costs not mentioned above will continue to not be considered eligible.

For more information, please refer to the revised instructions for financial reporting, available on the EYF website.

The inclusion of administrative cost is only possible for pilot activities (not international activities nor annual work plans) assessed as of the 30 May cut-off date.

Strasbourg 19 March 2021
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