40 young people, aged 16 to 30, from 40 Council of Europe member States, came for their second time as youth delegates to the Congress’ 33rd Session in Strasbourg, France. This time, they presented the projects they worked on over the last few months and took again active part in the session contributing to the plenary and chamber debates and committee meetings. Since 2014, the Congress has invited active and committed young people from each member state to cooperate and take part in policy-making. “Between the sessions, each one of us has worked on developing and implementing local projects” explained Tinna ISEBARN, youth delegate from Iceland. These projects focused on themes such as promoting the work of the Congress, fostering youth participation, and organising intercultural and interreligious activities.
40 young people, aged 16 to 30, from 40 Council of Europe member States, came for their second time as youth delegates to the Congress’ 33rd Session in Strasbourg, France. This time, they presented the projects they worked on over the last few months and took again active part in the session...