Zurück Coping with the debt burden: Congress stresses need to provide local authorities with adequate resources

Coping with the debt burden: Congress stresses need to provide local authorities with adequate resources

The right of local authorities to adequate financial resources of their own commensurate with their responsibilities is vital for ensuring local self-government. On the basis of this principle enshrined in Article 9 of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the members of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe adopted the report, “Coping with the debt burden: local authorities in financial difficulty”, in Strasbourg (France) on 8 November 2018.

“We have seen some progress”, said rapporteur Heather MCVEY (United Kingdom, SOC). “Thus, member states have introduced new mechanisms to improve local government financial management.” she added. “ However, several states do not yet implement the Article 9. There are major differences in local governments’ share in overall public spending, which can vary from under 1% to over 15% of GDP. In Scotland, for instance, while the budget has fallen by 0.4% in real terms, the reduction in local authority funding has been up to 10 times larger,” she concluded.

The report also underlines that in many member states local authorities’ fiscal capacity remains very limited and that the principle of adequate municipal resources is often not enshrined in legislation remains difficult to enforce in court proceedings.

The Congress calls on member states to increase their efforts to implement Article 9 of the Charter through dialogue with local authorities and their national associations. It also recommends that they ensure that municipalities have adequate resources for performing their tasks, and guarantee transparency in the methods used for calculating the funding allocated. Local and regional authorities should be consulted and should have freedom to manage their spending and resources.


** 35th Session of the Congress **


35th Session Strasbourg, France 12 November 2018
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The European Charter of Local Self-Government lays down standards for protecting the rights of local authorities and requires states which have ratified it to comply with a number of principles. The Congress is responsible for evaluating the application of the Charter in each Member State.

Cooperation and thematic activities complement, in the field, the normative work of the Congress. They are based on the political dialogue and the monitoring of the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, and enable the implementation of the adopted recommendations and resolutions.

The Congress periodically observes local and regional elections in Council of Europe member States and, sometimes, beyond. This activity, which may be organised in cooperation with other international organisations, complements the political monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-Government

Post-monitoring and post-electoral dialogue aims to support national authorities in order to ensure the implementation of the recommendations adopted by the Congress and addressed to the national authorities of member states by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

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