The social rights of young people, a competence of local and regional authorities

The social rights of young people, a competence of local and regional authorities

The fundamental social rights of the citizens of the member states of the Council of Europe are guaranteed by the European Social Charter and its collective complaints mechanism. As a legal instrument, the Charter refers to young people as having certain rights, notably in terms of education, health and housing. There are still significant disparities, however, in the way these rights are implemented, which is why the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has adopted a report on this issue, presented on 3 April 2019 by the co-rapporteurs Liisa ANSALA (Finland, ILDG) and Piero FASSINO (Italy, SOC).

In order to ensure that young people’s social rights are respected in practice, the Congress calls on local and regional authorities, as bodies which have competences in the social field, to consider these rights a priority for their policies. Member states are invited to ratify the Social Charter, to accept the collective complaints procedures and to involve local and regional authorities in the Social Charter monitoring mechanism. The Congress also emphasises the importance of raising youth awareness through various initiatives and co-ordinating actions at all levels of governance.

In the context of the Congress initiative "Rejuvenating Politics", youth delegates were invited to speak during the debate.

Produced in response to a request from the youth delegates, this report is a continuation of the Congress’s efforts to improve youth integration, participation and engagement at local and regional levels. Since 2014, the Congress has been committed to promoting youth participation, in particular through the “Rejuvenating politics” initiative. Youth delegates from the 47 member states are invited to participate in the debates and to exchange views with Congress members on the issues on session agendas.

- Presentation by Liisa ANSALA (Finland, ILDG), Congress o-rapporteur
- Presentation by Piero FASSINO (Italy, SOC), Congress co-rapporteur.

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*** 36th Session of the Congress ***

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36th Session Strasbourg, France 3 April 2019
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Zurück Climate strategies must involve local and regional authorities

Climate strategies must involve local and regional authorities

Congress Spokesperson on Environment and Climate Change, Cemal Baş (Türkiye, EPP/CCE), participated in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)’s meeting of the Network of Contact Parliamentarians for a healthy environment in Izmir, Türkiye on 23 September 2022.

"It is clear that national and international climate plans can only succeed if they are developed with the involvement of local and regional authorities”, he said, underlining the importance of cooperation between Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and PACE on the right to a healthy environment. Mr Baş expressed Congress’ support for an additional protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on environmental matters, which would enshrine the right of local authorities to participate in decision-making on environmental matters, given that, in many member States, their role in environmental policy is not explicitly recognised.

The spokesperson also drew attention to the Congress’ commitment to the environment: notably, its upcoming third volume of the Human Rights Handbook for local and regional authorities on the environment and sustainable development, and the joint report of the Monitoring Committee and Current Affairs Committee “A fundamental right to the environment: a matter for local and regional authorities”, which will be submitted for adoption during the 43rd session of Congress on 26 October 2022.

“In the current context, we can no longer think good local and regional governance without thinking green. Cities and regions must take preventive action, not be on the reactive”, he continued, stressing the role of cities and regions as “first responders” to the effects of climate change.

See also:

Current Affairs Committee Izmir, Türkiye 26 September 2022
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