Country visit

Montenegro: Seize the moment to strengthen protection of human rights

22/03/2024 Strasbourg

“Montenegro should take advantage of the opportunities offered by the prospects of further European integration to enhance its legal framework governing human rights and to ensure its full implementation”, said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, following her...

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Country visit report

Germany: Follow through with human rights commitments and improve access to social rights

19/03/2024 Strasbourg

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today the report following her visit to Germany from 27 November to 1 December 2023, with recommendations regarding the available structures and legal frameworks to protect human rights, and on access to social rights, in...

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ENNHRI at 10: strengthening national human rights institutions

10/10/2023 Strasbourg

Opening remarks by Dunja Mijatović at ENNHRI's 10th anniversary conference: "Advancing human rights, democracy and rule of law at a critical time in Europe: the role of NHRIs and ENNHRI". "Dear all, dear friends, I am sorry that I cannot be with you in person to celebrate the 10th anniversary of...

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Council of Europe Summit 2023: Commissioner calls on member states to recommit to human rights for all

13/03/2023 Strasbourg

The Commissioner published today her observations on the 4th Summit of the Council of Europe, which will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, on 16-17 May 2023. The Commissioner underlines the importance of the Summit as an opportunity to reaffirm member states' commitment to the values and...

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The human rights challenges faced by intersex people need to be urgently addressed

26/01/2023 Strasbourg

At the Conference on Advancing the human rights of intersex people. High-Level session: launching the work on the drafting of a new Committee of Ministers Recommendation on equality of rights of intersex people, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, gave the...

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Country visit report

United Kingdom: Commissioner warns against regression on human rights, calls for concrete steps to protect children’s rights and to tackle human rights issues in Northern Ireland

09/12/2022 Strasbourg

“Both the overall system for protecting human rights, and the rights of specific groups, are currently under pressure in the United Kingdom (UK). The authorities should spare no effort to reverse this trend”, warns today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, while...

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Country visit report

Georgia should ensure effective implementation of the anti-discrimination legislation and improve protection of human rights in the fields of labour and the environment

15/07/2022 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today the report following her visit to Georgia in February 2022, with recommendations on combating discrimination against LGBTI people and those belonging to religious minorities, as well as protecting human rights...

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Georgian politicians should fully respect the independent mandate of the Public Defender

23/11/2021 Strasbourg

Public attacks by members of the Georgian Parliament against the Public Defender of Georgia, in connection with her and her Office’s work related to the imprisonment of the former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, and his hunger strike, are unacceptable. I commend the Public Defender and...

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ECRI 2021 annual seminar with Equality Bodies

18/10/2021 Strasbourg

Joining Forces to Promote and Protect the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons. Opening statement by Dunja Mijatović. Dear all, dear friends, It is a real pleasure for me to be here this morning with you for this seminar organised by ECRI, an essential partner in the fight against all forms of...

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Commissioner urges Hungary’s Parliament to postpone the vote on draft bills that, if adopted, will have far-reaching adverse effects on human rights in the country

20/11/2020 Strasbourg

“The Hungarian Government bills submitted to Parliament last week comprising proposals to amend the Constitution and other legislative instruments may have serious adverse effects on human rights in the country”, said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović today. “I...

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Polish authorities should ensure the continuity, independence and effectiveness of the Ombudsman institution

22/10/2020 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, made public today, the Commissioner raises her concerns about risks to the continuity and the effective functioning of the Polish Ombudsman institution. A constitutional challenge to the legal provision allowing the current...

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Human Rights Comment

Tapping the full potential of Equality Bodies for a fairer Europe

26/06/2020 Strasbourg

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the Equality Body covering England, Scotland and Wales, recently launched an inquiry into statistical evidence showing that COVID-19 had a disproportionate effect on people of Black, Asian and other ethnic minority background, and whether this...

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Country visit report

The Republic of Moldova should ratify the Istanbul Convention, improve its response to hate speech and advance access to quality healthcare, affordable housing and social inclusion for all

25/06/2020 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today a report on her visit to the Republic of Moldova in March this year – which included travel to Comrat (Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia) and Tiraspol - with recommendations on violence against women and...

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Country visit report

Stronger commitment needed to combat racism, fight gender stereotypes and increase media freedom in Bulgaria

31/03/2020 Strasbourg

Today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published a report on the visit to Bulgaria she carried out in November 2019. The report focuses on racism, intolerance and discrimination; violence against women and domestic violence; and media freedom. The Commissioner...

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At GANNHRI's Annual Meeting, Commissioner Mijatović underlines the role of NHRIs in protecting the human rights of migrants

06/03/2019 Genève

The Commissioner delivered a speech today at GANNHRI's Annual Conference on "Ensuring human rights-based and gender-responsive implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration: The role of National Human Rights Institutions". Download the speech CommDH/Speech(2019)2 (Pdf)...

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Human Rights Comment

Paris Principles at 25: Strong National Human Rights Institutions Needed More Than Ever

18/12/2018 Strasbourg

25 years after the international community first formally embraced the idea of creating national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights through the endorsement of the Paris Principles, it is obvious that independent and effective national human rights institutions are every...

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Country visit report

Estonia should adopt more human rights oriented policies to improve the protection of women and the inclusion of older persons

28/09/2018 Strasbourg

“To build a more cohesive society, the Estonian authorities should strengthen the protection of women from violence, close the gender pay gap and uphold the rights of older people”, said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, while releasing today the report on her...

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Commissioner Muižnieks examines impact of national human rights action plans

20/12/2017 Strasbourg

The Commissioner for Human Rights published today the conclusions of a workshop he convened in Strasbourg on 2 June 2017 on national human rights action plans. The workshop gathered participants from public administration, national human rights institutions and civil society from a number of...

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Country visit

Liechtenstein should improve gender equality and the rights of persons with disabilities

24/11/2017 Vaduz

The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, welcomed the solid legal and institutional framework for the protection and promotion of human rights in Liechtenstein, which has been strengthened by the establishment in January 2017 of the Association for Human Rights...

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Commissioner Muižnieks calls on Swedish Parliament to be ambitious in plans to establish a national human rights institution

30/10/2017 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Parliament of Sweden published today, Commissioner Muižnieks welcomes the current discussions in the Committee on the Constitution to establish a national human rights institution, and urges parliamentarians to ensure that the new body is adequately funded,...

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Country visit report

Switzerland should reinforce its human rights protection framework and better respond to the needs of vulnerable migrants

17/10/2017 Strasbourg

Reinforcing the institutional and legal framework for safeguarding and promoting human rights and enhancing the protection of migrants and asylum seekers are the key recommendations addressed to the Swiss authorities by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, in a...

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Human Rights Comment

National human rights structures: protecting human rights while countering terrorism

Strasbourg 06/12/2016

A series of terrorist attacks has deeply traumatised Europe. In Brussels, Paris, Copenhagen, Ankara and beyond, shock was followed by fear of further attacks and a sense of urgency about preventing them. Preventing and combating terrorism is a clear duty of all states, which must respect and...

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Country visit report

Erosion of rule of law threatens human rights protection in Poland

15/06/2016 Warsaw

“Recent far-reaching changes to Poland’s legal and institutional framework threaten human rights and undermine the rule of law, on which the protection of human rights ultimately depends. Lawmakers and the Government should urgently change course”, said today Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe...

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Country visit

Iceland: ratify the Disabilities Convention and strengthen the human rights protection system

13/06/2016 Strasbourg

“Iceland should ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and align its legislation and practice with international standards and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Abolishing full deprivation of legal capacity and plenary guardianship of persons...

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Country visit

Andorra: sustain progress on children and women’s rights and bolster human rights structures

12/05/2016 Andorra La Vella

“Andorra has a very advanced system of inclusive education, whereby all children, including those with disabilities and from migrant families, learn together with other children and are supported as necessary. However, further efforts are required to enhance the overall protection of children’s...

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Country visit report

San Marino: media freedom and gender equality should be improved

15/10/2015 Strasbourg

Read the report “San Marino has made progress in promoting human rights in recent years. More sustained action is now needed to ensure media freedom and increase gender equality” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, releasing a report based on his visit to...

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Country visit report

Slovakia: Roma, LGBTI persons, and persons with disabilities need more protection

13/10/2015 Strasbourg

“Slovakia has to step up its efforts aimed at combating and eradicating discrimination in law and practice, and take effective measures to improve the protection of Roma, persons with disabilities and LGBTI persons,” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights,...

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Country visit report

Germany's efforts to protect refugees are remarkable. Now it has to boost integration and improve fight against racism

01/10/2015 Berlin

“Germany’s considerable efforts in helping asylum-seekers and refugees, in particular Syrians, is commendable and the support of the vast majority of the population is heartening. However, progress is needed to improve reception conditions, speed up fair asylum procedures and accelerate refugee...

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The Commissioner urges Serbia to shield the national Ombudsman from undue pressure

01/06/2015 Strasbourg

Today the Commissioner published a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Serbia, Mr Aleksandar VUČIĆ, in which he urges the government to fully respect the Serbian Ombudsman’s independence and guarantee a favourable environment for his work. “I am seriously concerned at reports indicating...

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Country visit report

Norway: people with disabilities and Roma need more attention

18/05/2015 Strasbourg

Read the report “Norway has a strong human rights architecture, but more attention should be given to the empowerment of people with disabilities and the full inclusion of Roma” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while publishing a report based on his...

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