AATM CADA Ardennes

Specific action dedicated to newly-arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Comité UFOLEP Ardennes
Status of the project owner:  Local association
Area of work of the project owner: Sport


Geographic scope of project: Local
Project objective: Promote social diversity / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health
Types of sport or physical activity carried out: multisports: cycling, football, innovative sports tchouk-ball, kin-ball, racket games, ice rink, swimming, …
Partnership / supports: Other partner (Local association)
Project duration:
Project status: Completed
Supervising staff: Professionals
Summary of the project: The Comité UFOLEP Ardennes offers multisports initiations to the public of the CAD AATM of Charleville. Several activities are offered throughout the year (initiation cycling and and discovery of the environment, discovery of open air activities, discovery of innovative sports, ...).  


Country of origin: Africa
Type of migration: Asylum seeker
Target beneficiary: Families / Children / Teenager-Young people
Target age group: 5-10 / 11-20

Contact form to project owner