Kick for Social Development

Action accessible to all including newly arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Department Sport pedagogic of the Institute of Sport and Sport science of the University of Freiburg and step stiftung (foundation)
Status of the project owner:  Local association / Foundation
Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Migration / Youth/ Social integration / Intercultural exchange / Health / Gender equality
Website of the project owner

Website of the foundation


Geographic scope of project: Local
Project objective: Develop competences for active citizenship / Promote social diversity /  Develop language skills / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health
Types of sport or physical activity carried out: Football, games, gymnastic and acrobatic
Partnership / supports: Grants (foundation)
Project duration: 8 years
Project status: Underway
Supervising staff: Professionals / Volunteers
Summary of the project: Kick for Social Development is a cooperation program of the step stiftung (foundation) and the department Sport pedagogic of the Institute of Sport and Sport science of the University of Freiburg. It includes the projects “kick for girls”, “kick for boys” and “kick for refugees”. Thus, we support the sportive and social interaction of children and youth with different ethnic, social, cultural and religious backgrounds. Through giving attention to the specific necessities of life of the children, we reduce discrimination and we support equality and their participation. The pivotal tasks are integration, mobility and participation.

 Summary of the project in original language: "Kick für soziale Entwicklung" ist ein Gemeinschaftsprogramm der step stiftung und des Arbeitsbereichs Sportpädagogik des Instituts für Sport und Sportwissenschaft der Universität Freiburg. Die Leitidee ist die Förderung der Partizipation, Integration und Mobilität von jungen Heranwachsenden. Ziel ist es, Kinder und Jugendliche mit Sport- und Bewegungsangeboten zu erreichen, die aufgrund ihrer persönlichen Lebenssituation kaum Zugang zur Ressource Sport haben. Viele von ihnen haben einen Fluchthintergrund. Das Programm beinhaltet die Projekte kick for girls, kick for boys und kick for refugees.

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Country of origin:  Most of them are from the following countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Eritrea, Gambia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, the Lebanon, Macedonia, Pakistan, Romania, Serbia, Syria 
Type of migration: Refugee / Asylum seeker / Economic migrant
Target beneficiary: Families / Children / Teenager-Young people
Target age group: 5-10 / 11-20

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