Project: “Supporting the Individual Application to the Constitutional Court in Turkey”

  • The project provided for a comprehensive assessment of the needs and strengths of the mechanism for review of individual complaints of the Constitutional Court in Turkey, and ways to improve its functioning. The project activities contributed to establishing training curricula on human rights and individual application to the Constitutional Court for legal professionals. It offered a platform for exchange of knowledge, experience and lessons learnt.
  • The project activities were supported by the Constitutional Court of Turkey and the ECtHR Registry, the Venice Commission, the German and Spanish Constitutional Courts. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the President of the ECtHR and Presidents of European Constitutional Courts attended high-level international conferences held in France (Strasbourg, July 2014) and Turkey (Antalya, November 2014), which facilitated dissemination of the project results and best practice both within the Turkish judiciary and with European partners.
  • The project received a contribution of €400 473 from the Fund.