Belgrade - Statue of Prince Mihailo Obrenovic and National Museum of Serbia in the Republic Square

Serbia has benefited from the Council of Europe co-operation initiatives since 2002 to support its reform agenda, ensure compliance with Council of Europe standards while advancing its European Union accession process. In close co-operation with the Serbian authorities, support has been provided in the following key areas: judicial reform, protection of human rights and anti-discrimination, freedom of expression and freedom of the media, prisons and police, education and preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. The Council of Europe Office in Belgrade ensures the necessary co-ordination between headquarters and national stakeholders, as well with international partners present in the field.

Six actions are currently being implemented in Serbia as part of the European Union/Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye, which assists Beneficiaries with addressing the Council of Europe’s monitoring and advisory bodies’ recommendations, as well as complying with relevant European Union accession priorities. The initiatives are contributing to reforms in the penitentiary system, enhancing judicial practice to meet European Convention on Human Rights standards, strengthening action against trafficking in human beings, and improving adherence to European standards with regard to freedom of expression and freedom of the media. The capacity of national and local stakeholders is also being enhanced to better address issues relating to anti-discrimination, while ensuring quality education for all.

Serbia also benefits from the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme “Support for the implementation of judicial reform in Serbia”, which contributes to the consolidation of the rule of law by supporting the development of legislation and practices relevant for judicial independence, accountability and access to justice.

In addition, the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme “Human Resources Management in Local Self-Government” assists national authorities and local self-governments in modernising human resource policies and the professional development of public servants at local level.

In addition, Serbia receives support of the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency through the project “Countering Economic Crime in Serbia“. The implementation of a project to ”Prevent bullying and peer violence in schools”, is funded by Germany and the Council of Europe’s ordinary budget.

Serbia also plays an active role in the regional actions of the Horizontal Facility that aim to enhance regional co-operation in managing violent extremism in prisons, improve the quality and sustainability of justice through the Council of Europe flagship initiative based on CEPEJ methodology “Dashboard – Western Balkans IIfight economic crime, promote equality and combat racism and intolerance, strengthen women’s access to justice and protect freedom of expression and freedom of the media.

Furthermore, Serbia benefits from two additional European Union/Council of Europe regional Joint Programmes in South-East Europe. The regional Joint Programme CyberSEE strengthens the rule of law, security and regional co-operation in South-East-Europe and Türkiye through a more effective response to the challenges of cybercrime and electronic evidence. Support in the implementation of Roma inclusion policies enhancing access to basic socio-economic rights is streamlined through the Joint Programme on “Roma integration”.

Lastly, Serbia benefits from regional projects funded by voluntary contributions. The Human Rights Trust Fund financially supports the implementation of two regional projects. The project “HELP in the Western Balkans” enhances the capacities and skills of legal professionals for the effective application of European standards in human rights. The project “Human Rights and Sustainable Environment in South-East Europe” increases the understanding of the relationship between the protection of human rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the environment among the judiciary and legal professionals to strengthen environmental protection at the domestic level. Thanks to Germany’s financial contribution, the Council of Europe promotes deliberative democracy in the region as an innovative form of citizen participation in local decision-making. 



Through the implementation of the aforementioned programmes and actions, the Council of Europe  contributes to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 3 (target 8),  SDG 4 (targets 1, 5 and 7), SDG 5 (targets 1, 2, and c), SDG 8 (target 7), SDG 10 (targets 2 and 3), SDG 15 (target 7) and SDG 16 (targets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, a and b).

More information: Overview of the Council of Europe Contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda.