Emerging regulatory challenges and cooperation discussed in Antwerp

13 May 2022 Antwerp

On 11-13 May 2022, the Council of Europe participated in EPRA’s 55th meeting in Antwerp to discuss emerging regulatory challenges and cooperation. Head of the Media and Internet division Ms Artemiza-Tatiana Chisca presented the CDMSI’s recently adopted instruments and workplan for the future.

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Publication on media regulatory authorities and media pluralism is now available in Serbian

30 November 2021 Belgrade

The publication “Media regulatory authorities and media pluralism” prepared under the regional action on “Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in South-East Europe (JUFREX)” is now available in Serbian. The publication aims to contribute to a wider understanding of the concept of media...

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The role of the media regulatory authorities in the Western Balkans in the new media paradigms

14 September 2021 Budva

In order to discuss and exchange views on the role of the media regulatory authorities in the new media paradigms, a Regional Conference was organised with the participation of media regulatory authorities from the region. This Conference allowed regulators from the region to share their...

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Media regulatory authorities and media pluralism

16 June 2021 Online

The publication “Media regulatory authorities and media pluralism” is a result of co-operation among media regulatory authorities from the Western Balkans. It aims to contribute to a wider understanding of the concept of media pluralism, its institutional and policy-related importance and the...

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Regulation of Political advertising - a comparative study with reflections on the situation in South-East Europe

17 December 2020 Strasbourg

The study addresses the issue of political campaigning and advertising from a media regulatory perspective and offers guidelines, in line with European standards and best practices in this field. Regulatory authorities, beneficiaries of JUFREX has actively contributed to preparation of the Study...

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Regional online round table “Elections, pandemic and disinformation”

7 July 2020 Online

In order to maintain the yearly dialogue among media regulatory authorities, under the auspices of the European Union/Council of Europe joint action “Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in South-East Europe (JUFREX)”, a regional online round table “Elections, pandemic and...

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JUFREX 2: Regional conference on Audiovisual Media Services and the role of Media Regulatory Authorities

9-10 September 2019 Igalo

The Council of Europe, in the framework of the Regional Action on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media in South East Europe – JUFREX 2, implemented under the joint EU/CoE Horizontal Facility II for Western Balkans and Turkey, has organised a Regional conference on Audiovisual Media...

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Presentation of the Study “Regulatory Authorities for Electronic Media and Media Literacy - Comparative analysis of the best European practices”

20 December 2018 Belgrade

Information event for stakeholders of the media community in Serbia on presentation of the Study “Regulatory Authorities for Electronic Media and Media Literacy - Comparative analysis of the best European practices” was organized by the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, JUFREX Programme and...

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New audiovisual legislation elaborated with support of the Council of Europe, adopted by Moldovan Parliament

18 October 2018

The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted recently in the final reading the Audiovisual Media Services Code of the Republic of Moldova, which creates the framework required for implementation of the EU’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). The document was drafted with the...

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Addressing Hate Speech in the Media Conference taking place in Zagreb

6 November 2018

The Council of Europe in partnership with the Croatian Agency for Electronic Media organises a regional conference “Addressing hate speech in the media: the role of regulatory authorities and the judiciary” on 6-7 November 2018 in Zagreb. The event constitutes a platform for assessing current...

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Work of the CDMSI presented at the 48th meeting of the European platform of regulatory authorities

10-12 October 2018 Bratislava, Slovakia

The 48th meeting of the European platform of regulatory authorities (EPRA) took place on 10-12 October in Bratislava at the invitation of the Slovak Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission (CBR).

 Silvia Grundmann, Head of the Media and Internet Division at the Council of Europe presented an...

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Training seminar on media monitoring for the broadcasting regulatory authority of Moldova

10-14 September 2018 Chisinau. Moldova

On 10-14 September 2018, the Council of Europe organised in Chisinau, Moldova a training seminar for the members and staff members of the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual (CCA) on how to apply to their daily work the CCA’s revised media monitoring methodology. The event was organised within...

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Council of Europe engages in supporting independence of Media Regulatory Authorities

29 August 2018

The Council of Europe recognises the important role of independent regulatory authorities entrusted with responsibility for regulating the audio-visual sector at national level, as contributors towards fostering a favourable environment for freedom of expression. Enjoying genuine independence in...

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Regional conference for media regulatory authorities held in Ohrid

5-6 July 2018 Ohrid

Under the joint EU/CoE Programme "Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe" (JUFREX) the Council of Europe has organised a Regional conference for media regulatory authorities, held on 5 and 6 July 2018, in Ohrid. Two comparative studies on best...

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Public presentation of the Media sector inquiry in Montenegro

5 April 2018 Podgorica, Montenegro

The JUFREX project has organised on 5 April 2018 in Podgorica a Public presentation of the Media sector inquiry in Montenegro. The inquiry provides a comprehensive analysis of the media sector in Montenegro, including the assessment of impact and consequences of different regulative mechanisms...

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights

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