Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists: Events and activities
Launch of consultations for the National Chapter of the Campaign, Ukraine, 9 April 2024
The 1st meeting of the national focal points, 6 October 2023
- Minutes and List of participants
- Programme
- List of National Focal Points
- Pocket guide: Key actions for improved safety of journalists
- Extended Implementation Guide to selected topics under Prevention and Promotion Pillars of the Guidelines of Recommendation CM/Rec (2016)4 on the Protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors
- News item: “Journalists matter”: Council of Europe launches campaign for the safety of journalists
Campaign launch at the Riga Conference, 5-6 October 2023
“The Pen is Mightier than the Sword? Meeting today’s challenges to freedom of expression and the safety of journalists”
Workshop on the existing initiatives on the safety of journalists, 1-2 June 2023
Launch of the Campaign in Riga (5-6 October, Riga, Latvia)
1st meeting of the National Focal Points (6 October, Riga, Latvia)
Workshop on the existing initiatives on the safety of journalists (1-2 June, Strasbourg, France)
Second meeting of the National Focal Points (20-21 June, Strasbourg, France)
Launch of consultations for the National Chapter of the Campaign (9 April, Ukraine)
Meeting with the Platform Partners (5-6 March, Thessaloniki, Greece)
Gala for excellence in journalism (29 February, Bucharest, Romania)
Third meeting of the National Focal Points (30 April, Luxembourg)
Annual thematic conference: Effective Prosecution of crimes against journalists - Building the paradigm against impunity - (29 April, Luxembourg)
Final review and closing event