European University Centre for Cultural Heritage - CUEBC


Address: Villa Rufolo – 84010 Ravello, Italy

Tel.: 0039 089857669

Fax: 0039 089857711

E-mail: [email protected]





President: Alfonso Andria

Vice-President: Prof. Jean-Paul Morel

President of the Scientific Committee: Alfonso Andria

Secretary General: Eugenia Apicella

Coordinator of Activities: Prof. Ferruccio Ferrigni

Responsible for public relations: Ing. Salvatore Claudio La Rocca

Responsible for European projects: Prof. Fabio Pollice

Permanent staff of the Centre: 3 people


To contribute, in connection with national and international institutions concerned, to carry out a cultural heritage policy from the point of view of expert training and specialisation, scientific advice, as well as protection and promotion of cultural and historical assets.


Training (2003-2005)


  •  07/10/2002 – 06/09/2003  New technologies for the valorisation and management of Mediterranean cultural heritage
  •  2005-2006 - Cultural heritage and local development

In the field of "Sciences and materials of cultural heritage"

  •  20-25/10/2003 - European intensive course "Sciences and material of cultural heritage. The new cultural heritages. Analysis, conservation, valorisation"
  •  26/10-1/11/2003 - European Practical School "Sciences and material of cultural heritage. Materials of monumental heritage of Ravello. Degradation and conservation"
  • 17-24/10/2004 - European intensive course "Sciences and material of cultural heritage. The materials of cultural heritage in their environment"
  • 24-30/10/2004 - European Practical School "Sciences and material of cultural heritage. The monumental heritage of Ravello"
  • 2-9/10/2005 - European Practical School The Monumental heritage of Ravello. In the field scientific methods applied to the materials and the environment of cultural heritage

  In the field of "Books and library"

  • 17-21/11/2003 - 7th Course "The future of our past. Library between tradition and innovation. The librarian of the future - the future of the librarian"
  • 30/11-4/12/2004 - 8th Course "The future of our past. Library between tradition and innovation. The preventive book-conservation"
  • 25-29/10/2005 - Advanced Course "The future of the past. Library between tradition and tenchnological innovations. A thousand and one cultures: writing and books between East and West"

  In the field of "Seismic risks and cultural heritage"

  • 14-21/10/2003 - 13th intensive course "Local seismic cultures and earthquake vulnerability reduction in traditional masonry buildings", in the framework of EUROMED – Pilot Project for the Creation of a Euro-Mediterranean System of Mitigation,  Prevention and Management of Natural and Man-made Disasters
  • 8-14/12/2004 - 14th intensive course "Retrofitting of ancient non monumental built-up and Local Seismic Culture: problems, methods, techniques
  • 13/12/2004 - Workshop for school teachers "Historical centres in seismic zones: weak systems or sources of knowledge for risk protection? The role of the school in Campania
  • 9-15/11/2005 - 14th intensive course "Reducing the vulnerability of ancient built-up environment by rediscovering Local Seismic Cultures"

Research (2003-2005)

  • 2003-2005  The “Map of competences" for the preventive book-conservation on traditional and digital format
  • 2004-2005  ArtRisk. Risk Control of Monuments Art and Computer Applications for Landscape Organization
  • 2004-2005   The intangible Heritage of the Amalfi Coast
  • 2004-2005  INTEGRATIO. Places of cultural integration in the tradition and in perspective. From visiting to meeting: The Amalfi Coast (I), the Upper Ribatejo (P), the Golden Coast (E) and the Dobrogea Province
  • 2005  Research programme on the valorization of handicraft
  • 2005  Management plan of UNESCO sites: the Amalfi Coast
  • 2005  Comparative economic and legal analysis of the new management models of tangible and intangible heritage, cultural and environmental, and of cultural landscapes, in the framework of the development policies of the Mediterranean countries
  • 2005  Ethics and cultural tourism. Collection of international charters
  • 2005-2006 Cultural landscape of the past: recovering crop fields and gardens in archeological parks of Europe


Cinquant’anni di turismo a Capri. La sacralità dell’immagine e la profanazione del territorio - di M. Cetti Serbelloni (Archeologia, storia, cultura, 2), Edipuglia, 2003, € 25,00
Chronologies géophysiques et archéologiques du Paléolothique Supérieur/Geophysical and archaeological dating for Upper Palaeolithic
 Comptes-rendus du Colloque international, 1994, Ed. F. Widemann et I. Taborin (Archeologia, storia, cultura, 3), Edipuglia, 2003, € 40,00

Il patrimonio intangibile nella Costiera Amalfitana CD - ROM, CUEBC, 2003

Variazioni climatico-ambientali e impatto sull’uomo nell’area circum-mediterranea durante l’Olocene / Climatic-environmental variations and impact on man in the circum-Mediterranean area during the Holocene -  Atti dei convegni “L’evoluzione dell’ambiente fisico nel periodo storico nell’area circum-mediterranea” (1993) e “La storia del clima e dell’ambiente dall’antichità ad oggi” (1996), Ed. C. Albore Livadie (Territorio storico e ambiente, 3), Edipuglia, 2003, € 40,00

Il Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali. 20 anni: 1983-2003  CUEBC, 2003

L’etica del turismo culturale. Raccolta e analisi delle carte internazionali, a cura di Francesco Cetti Serbelloni,, 2004

Décor de lustre métallique et céramique glaçurée  Ed.: M. Schvoerer , C. Ney, P. Peduto, (Scienze e materiali del patrimonio culturale, 7), Edipuglia, 2005

Ancient Buildings and Earthquakes  by F. Ferrigni, B. Helly, A. Mauro, L. Mendes Victor, P. Pierotti, A. Rideaud, P. Teves Costa (Rischio sismico e patrimonio culturale 1), Edipuglia, 2005

EuroPreArt II: Prehistoric art research and management in Europe - case studies  Ed.: L. Oosterbeek, (Archeologia storia cultura, 4), Edipuglia – in press

Regole e regolamenti. Tecniche antisimiche storiche e norme urbanistiche: un rapporto difficile  in collaborazione con l’Università di Napoli Federico II, a cura di F. Ferrigni e M. C. Ciampa (Rischio sismico e patrimonio culturale 2), Edipuglia - in press


6/03/2003 - Meeting "Safety Education in the schools. Initiatives, problems, prospects"

21/06/2003 - Workshop "The immaterial cultural heritage of the Amalfi Coast"

8/11/2003 - Paestum, Round Table "Cultural heritage and tourism in minor sites of the Mediterranean. From the experience to education for a compatible management"

27-28/02/2004 - Meeting "To train to safety. The role of the school"

19-20/03/2004 - Workshop "Landscape active protection"

19-21/04/2004 - Workshop "The exploitation of cultural and environmental heritage: for new managerial professions", in collaboration with University of Milan, in the framework of the Master "Environment policy and economy"

5-7/07/2004 - 4th IIASA - DPRI Forum on Integrated Disaster Risk Management: challenges of implementation

19/10/2004 - Conference "Archaeological sites and effects of eruptions in Campania. Volcans destroying and preserving human settlements"

21/11/2004 - Meeting "Innovation at the service of archaeological research", in the framework of the 7th Mediterranean Exchange on Archaeological Tourism, Salerno Province

25-26/11/2004 - Meeting "BE SAFE NET web site"

11-19/06/2005 - Exhibition "The Amalfi Coast today between yesterday and tomorrow"

4-5/11/2005 - Workshop "Shipsheds in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean"

11-12/11/2005 - Conference "Volcanic risk management in urban areas"