16 May 2024 (09:30 - 16:30) by video conference


  Documents for discussion and/or decision


  Agenda item 1 - Adoption of the draft agenda - AP/CAT(2024)OJ02_en


Agenda item 2 - Statement by the Executive Secretary, M. Krzysztof Zyman


Agenda item 3 - Statement by Ms Tanja Kleinsorge, Head of the Reykjavik Process and Environment Department  

Reykjavik Declaration_en


Agenda item 4 - Programme of activities 2024

4.1 Statutory meetings

Bureau of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents on 14 February - AP/CAT(2024)01_en


   Agenda item 5 - Synergies on climate crisis: possible collaboration between the Bern Convention, the Landscape Convention and EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement    T-PVS/Inf(2018)11

  • Mr Anthony Micallef (Malta), Deputy Chair of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement
  • Mr Carl Amirgulashvili (Georgia), Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention)
  • Mr Gilles Rudaz (Switzerland), Chair of the Conference on the Implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention 

Followed by discussion 


  Agenda item 6 - Promoting the right to living in a clean, healthy and sustainable environment for the current and future generations

  • Ms Natalia Kobylarz, lawyer at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights
  • Ms Élizabeth Lambert, legal expert and research director within the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), working in the DCS Research Unit
  • Ms Emma Pagliarusco, Advocacy Coordinator, Youth and Environment Europe (YEE)

Followed by discussion


   Agenda item 7 - Presentation of the Security Innovation Center at the Faculty of Security Studie at the University of Belgrade with the view to admitting it to the EUR-OPA network of specialised centres


Agenda item 8 - Any other business


  Agenda item 9 - Date and place of the next meeting