The European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) supports educational projects aimed at promoting a culture of prevention and adequate behaviour in disaster risk reduction.
Through the BeSafeNet project, it provides preventive information and education by raising awareness about the different types of natural and technological disasters. BeSafeNet has developed a methodology to provide basic knowledge on emergencies for the benefit of pupils and teachers by:
- Promoting safety and preparedness through awareness raising among youth
- Widely disseminating a wealth of valid information and best practice multilingually through its dedicated website
- Providing an interactive online tool for users, enriching and regularly updating the BeSafeNet website content.
The BeSafeNet online Olympiad
The BeSafeNet online Olympiad was first launched in 2019. The competition is open to all the secondary schools in the EUR-OPA member States.
The Olympiad consists of 50 questions on 5 different natural and technological hazards (10 questions for each).
Topics covered on the BeSafeNet website include weather-related hazards such as floods, storm surges, avalanches, desertification etc. Natural hazards include volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes etc. Dam failures, radiological and chemical emergencies are categorised under technological disasters. Given the recent worldwide COVID-19 outbreak,
BeSafeNet widened the scope of topics to include biological hazards and pandemics. The top three teams are awarded various gifts and a modest donation is made to each of the schools. Consolation prizes are offered to the 7 teams of runners up.
For more detailed information, check out the BeSafeNet website.
BeSafeNet 2024 Olympiad
5 topics
BeSafeNet Olympiad in 2024:
- 293 teams
- 137 secondary schools
- 10 countries
BeSafeNet Olympiad in 2023:
- 356 teams
- 174 secondary schools
- 10 countries
BeSafeNet Olympiad in 2022:
- 212 teams
- 122 secondary schools
- 11 countries
Why Ant Netty?
Ants are resilient. They thrive in most ecosystems and can survive catastrophes. Ants join forces to get the job done.
The Olympiad is also all about safety and team work!