Countries & Jurisdictions
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Action against Economic Crime in Albania (AEC-Albania) - Phase 2
- Action against Economic Crime Regional (AEC-REG) - Phase 2
- Action against Economic Crime in Albania (AEC-Albania)
- Project against Corruption in Albania (PACA)
- Support to Prosecutor's Network in South-Eastern Europe (PROSECO)
- Implementation of anti-corruption plans in South-Eastern Europe (PACO IMPACT)
- CARDS Regional Police Project (CARPO)
- PACO Albania 2: Implementation of the National Anti-corruption Plan
- PACO Albania 1: Strengthening the Albanian Anti-corruption Monitoring Group
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- PGG II - Armenia: Strengthening institutional capacities to fight and prevent corruption in Armenia
- PGG II - Regional: Strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime
- Eastern Partnership – Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption (EaP 1)
- Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Initiative (ENPI): EaP Bridge Activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- PGG II - Azerbaijan: Strengthening Anti-Money Laundering and Asset Recovery in Azerbaijan
- PGG II - Regional: Strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime
- Fight against corruption and Fostering Good Governance/Fight against money-laundering (PCF-Regional)
- Strengthening capacities to fight and prevent corruption in Azerbaijan (PCF-Azerbaijan)
- Eastern Partnership – Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption (EaP 1)
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Completed projects
- PGG II - Belarus: Countering money laundering and terrorism financing in Belarus
- PGG II - Regional: Strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime
- Good governance and fight against corruption in Belarus (PCF-Belarus)
- Fight against corruption and Fostering Good Governance/Fight against money-laundering (PCF-Regional)
- Eastern Partnership – Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption (EaP 1)
- Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Initiative (ENPI): EaP Bridge Activities
- Anti-corruption digest
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Ongoing project
- Completed projects
- Anti-corruption digest
Czech Republic
- Completed projects
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing projects
- PGG III - Georgia: Consolidating and enhancing the institutional and operational frameworks for the prevention and combatting of corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing in Georgia
- PGG III - Regional: Strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime in the Eastern Partnership region
- Completed projects
- PGG II - Georgia: Enhancing the systems of prevention and combating corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing in Georgia
- PGG II - Regional: Strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime
- Fight against corruption and Fostering Good Governance/Fight against money-laundering (PCF-Regional)
- Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (PCF-Georgia)
- Eastern Partnership – Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption (EaP 1)
- Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Initiative (ENPI): EaP Bridge Activities
- Support to the Anti-corruption strategy of Georgia (GEPAC)
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing project
- Completed projects
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 4)
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 3 - Jordan)
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 3 Regional)
- Promotion of good governance: fight against corruption, money-laundering and the financing of terrorism (SNAC 2 - Jordan)
- Fight against corruption, money-laundering (SNAC 2 – Regional) : International cooperation in MENA region
- Component 2 Promotion of good governance: fight against corruption and money-laundering (SNAC)
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Action against Economic Crime Regional (AEC-REG) - Phase 2
- Project against Economic Crime in Kosovo * Phase II (PECK II)
- Project against Economic Crime in Kosovo* (PECK)
- Support to Prosecutor's Network in South-Eastern Europe (PROSECO)
- Implementation of anti-corruption plans in South-Eastern Europe (PACO IMPACT)
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Completed projects
- Other assistance activities
- Joint activities with international organizations
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro (AEC-MNE) - Phase 2
- Action against Economic Crime Regional (AEC-REG) - Phase 2
- Action against Economic Crime in Montenegro (AEC-MNE)
- Support to Prosecutor's Network in South-Eastern Europe (PROSECO)
- Implementation of anti-corruption plans in South-Eastern Europe (PACO IMPACT)
- CARDS Regional Police Project (CARPO)
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing project
- Completed projects
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 4)
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 3 Morocco)
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 3 Regional)
- Promotion of good governance: fight against corruption and money-laundering (SNAC II-Morocco)
- Fight against corruption, money-laundering (SNAC 2 – Regional) : International cooperation in MENA region
- South Programme - Component 2 Promotion of good governance: fight against corruption and money-laundering (SNAC)
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing project
- Completed projects
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 4)
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 3 Palestine*)
- Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean (SNAC 3 Regional)
- Anti-corruption digest
Republic of Moldova
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Enhancing the anti-money laundering and asset recovery regime in Moldova
- Action against Corruption in the Republic of Moldova
- Project on Controlling Corruption through Law Enforcement and Prevention (CLEP)
- Eastern Partnership – Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption (EaP 1)
- Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Initiative (ENPI): EaP Bridge Activities
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
Republic of North Macedonia
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Action against Economic Crime in North Macedonia (AEC-North Macedonia) - Phase 2
- Action against Economic Crime Regional (AEC-REG) - Phase 2
- Action against Economic Crime in North Macedonia (AEC-North Macedonia)
- Support to Prosecutor's Network in South-Eastern Europe (PROSECO)
- Implementation of anti-corruption plans in South-Eastern Europe (PACO IMPACT)
- CARDS Regional Police Project (CARPO)
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- On-going project
- Completed project
- Anti-corruption digest
Russian Federation
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Action against Economic Crime Regional (AEC-REG) - Phase 2
- CARDS Regional Police Project (CARPO)
- Implementation of anti-corruption plans in South-Eastern Europe (PACO IMPACT)
- Support to Prosecutor's Network in South-Eastern Europe (PROSECO)
- Project on Criminal Assets Recovery in Serbia (CAR Serbia)
- Project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia (MOLI-Serbia)
- Strengthening the capacities of law enforcement and judiciary in the fight against corruption in Serbia (PACS-Serbia)
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
Slovak Republic
- On-going project
- Completed projects
- Project to Support Independent Bodies in Tunisia (PAII-TAC)
- Promotion of good governance: fight against corruption, money-laundering and terrorism (SNAC 2 - Tunisia)
- Fight against corruption, money-laundering (SNAC 2 – Regional) : International cooperation in MENA region
- South Programme - Component 2 Promotion of good governance: fight against corruption and money-laundering (SNAC)
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Improving International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Türkiye
- Action against Economic Crime Regional (AEC-REG) - Phase 2
- Project on Ethics for the Prevention of Corruption in Turkey (TYEC 1)
- Project on Consolidating Ethics in the Public Sector in Turkey (TYEC 2)
- Strengthening the Coordination of Anti-Corruption Policies and Practices in Turkey (TYSAP)
- Other assistance activities
- Anti-corruption digest
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- PGG II - Ukraine: Strengthening measures to counter money laundering and financing of terrorism in Ukraine
- PGG II - Regional: Strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime
- Fight against corruption and Fostering Good Governance/Fight against money-laundering (PCF-Regional)
- Fight against corruption in Ukraine (PCF-Ukraine)
- Eastern Partnership – Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption (EaP 1)
- Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Initiative (ENPI): EaP Bridge Activities
- Support to good governance: Project against corruption in Ukraine (UPAC)
- International Co-operation in Criminal Matters in Ukraine (UPIC)
- MOLI Projects
- Anti-corruption digest
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.
** This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of Council of Europe member States on this issue.