Zurück John Warmisham: “The COVID crisis has worsened the situation of Roma and Travellers communities. The pandemic is no excuse to ignore their struggles!”

John Warmisham: “The COVID crisis has worsened the situation of Roma and Travellers communities. The pandemic is no excuse to ignore their struggles!”

On International Roma Day, Congress Rapporteur on Roma and Traveller Issues, John Warmisham (United Kingdom, SOC/G/PD), spoke out against the rising discrimination against Roma and Travellers communities during the pandemic. “Lockdowns have confined them to overcrowded settlements without the infrastructure to deal with this crisis, often forgotten by their local authorities. This crisis is challenging for everyone, but it cannot be used as an excuse to put the interests of Roma communities on the back burner,” Mr Warmisham warned.

John Warmisham stressed that urgent measures must be taken to tackle prejudice and discrimination against them. “Local and regional authorities are crucial actors for the realisation of human rights of Roma and Travellers, especially when it comes to access to housing, education, employment and health care. Their role is all the more important during this pandemic,” he insisted. To face these challenges, their inclusion in community life is crucial. “Local authorities should not speak on their behalf, but give them spaces to speak up,” he said.

The spokesperson invited mayors and regional representatives throughout Europe to take a stance against the discrimination that they face and to sign the Congress’ Declaration against anti-Gypsyism. “By signing this document, the authorities are given the opportunity to clearly and publicly position themselves against anti-Gypsyism. Let us use this occasion to question our biases, to call out anti-Gypsyism, and to celebrate Roma culture,” he concluded.

International Roma Day (8 April) is a day to celebrate Roma culture, history and language, and to raise awareness of the issues Roma people still face. The Congress has launched several initiatives to combat prejudice against Roma and to promote their integration, including the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion. Since 2013, more than 130 cities from 29 countries have joined the Alliance. In 2017, the Congress launched a Declaration against Anti-Gypsyism, giving local and regional elected representatives in the 47 Council of Europe member states the opportunity to take a public stand against discrimination towards Roma. In addition, every two years the Congress awards the Dosta! Prize to municipalities that have implemented innovative initiatives for Roma inclusion.

International Roma Day Strasbourg, France 8 April 2021
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