Call for tenders for the provision of national consultancy services in the area of Global Education.

17/09/2024 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is launching a call for tenders for the procurement of national consultancy services within the framework of the project “iLEGEND III, Intercultural Learning Exchange through Global Education, Networking and Dialogue”, co-funded by the European...

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Opening of the University on Youth and Development: Youth’s strengthened commitment to Human Rights and the Rule of Law.

16/09/2024 Mollina

This year, on the occasion of the University on Youth and Development, more than 150 participants from 58 countries in Europe, the Southern Mediterranean, and Sub-Saharan Africa are gathered for a week in Mollina (Spain) to explore the theme #ForTheCulture of Human Rights and the Rule of Law,...

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Prepare for the Global Education Week 2024 and join other change makers.

11/09/2024 Lisbon

The Global Education Week is a unique campaign that sparks civic engagement in the spirit of solidarity aiming to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world. Taking place annually in November, this year’s edition will be held from 18 to 24 November 2024 under the theme "Connected People...

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Meet the Partnership of the upcoming University on Youth and Development.

29/08/2024 Lisbon

This year, the University on Youth and Development celebrates its 23rd edition on the annual theme "#ForTheCulture of Human Rights and the Rule of Law". It involves five partner organisations and will take place in Mollina, Spain, from 16 to 21 September. Part of iLEGEND III, a joint programme...

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Join the next edition of the online course on Global Citizenship Education and Intercultural/Interfaith Dialogue.

27/08/2024 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe launches a Tutored Online Training Course on Global Education and Intercultural/Interfaith Dialogue, to take place from 7 October to 3 November 2024. Part of the iLEGEND III project, the training course aims at providing participants with new skills...

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In memory of Ambassador Lorenzo Vella, former Chair of the Executive Committee of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.

22/08/2024 Lisbon

Today, as mourners gathered during his celebration of life Ceremony, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe expresses profound sorrow at the loss of Ambassador Lorenzo Vella. Before heading the European Commission Representation to Malta, Ambassador Vella served as Permanent...

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The Global Education Week 2024 explores the theme "Connected People for an Inclusive Planet".

17/07/2024 Lisbon

Over 300 000 participants yearly join in the iLEGEND’s Global Education Week, taking place the third week of November and involving thousands of activities around Global Citizenship Education, Sustainable Development Goals and everyone’s co-responsibility to achieve them. The Global Education...

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The Training Course on Global Education and Education for Sustainable Development will welcome 25 participants. Apply to be one of them!

09/07/2024 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe launches a Long-Term Blended Training Course on Global Education and Education for Sustainable Development, to take place from 26 August 2024 to the 28 February 2025. Part of the iLEGEND III project, the training course aims at providing...

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Zoom in on the African University on Youth and Development: the participants present their main results.

01/07/2024 Lisbon

The participants of the four parallel activities organised back-to-back with the Joint Programme of the University on the theme “FortheCulture of Human Rights and the Rule of Law” presented their work in a plenary session at the end of the week. The session was introduced by the final guest...

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Call for activities for the next edition of the University on Youth and Development.

29/06/2024 Lisbon

The 23rd edition of the University on Youth and Development, will take place from 16 to 21 September 2024 in Mollina (Spain) under the theme: #FortheCulture of Human Rights and the Rule of Law. Activity proposals are open for submission to the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe...

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The African University on Youth and Development: Young people leading the promotion of Human Rights and the Rule of Law.

28/06/2024 Cidade Velha, Cabo Verde

This week, the African University on Youth and Development welcomes 80 participants, representatives of youth organisations, who came together in Cabo Verde to explore the theme #ForTheCulture of Human Rights and the Rule of Law. The opening ceremony on Tuesday morning received institutional...

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Workshop on the work of the North-South Centre at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Regional Integration of Cabo Verde.

24/06/2024 Praia, Cabo Verde

Before the launch of the African University on Youth and Development organized in Cidade Velha, Cabo Verde this week, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europa and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Regional Integration of Cabo Verde organised the workshop “dissemination of...

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The African University on Youth and Development comes back with its 9th Edition.

18/06/2024 Lisbon

This year, the African University on Youth and Development (AUYD) is to take place from 25 to 29 June 2024 in Cidade Velha, Cabo Verde, on the theme #Fortheculture of Human Rights and the Rule of Law. The AUYD is a partnership biannual event organized by the North-South Centre of the Council of...

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The North-South Centre's Executive Committee starts a new mandate with Malta renewing its role as Chair.

07/06/2024 Lisbon

At its 32nd meeting, the Executive Committee of the North South Centre elected its Chair, Vice-Chair and Bureau members for a new mandate of two years (2024-2026). The Executive Committee members, by consensus, confirmed Malta as Chair of the Executive Committee for the next two years and the...

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The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe announces the opening of the call for nominations for the 30th North-South Prize of the Council of Europe.

06/06/2024 Lisbon

The call for nominations is open to anyone wishing to propose candidates to expand their international recognition. The nominations can be submitted in English or French on this form by 07 October. The list of candidates will be examined by a Jury composed of representatives of civil society...

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The 2023 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe emphasises the importance of North-South solidarity.

31/05/2024 Lisbon

The Award Ceremony of the 2023 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe, which took place on the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, on 21 May, celebrated two laureates for their exceptional commitment to the promotion of human rights and North-South solidarity. The...

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Round table “Prospects and interregional cooperation for the abolition of death penalty”.

09/05/2024 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe announces the launch of the "North-South Dialogues" with a round table on the theme “Prospects and interregional cooperation for the abolition of death penalty” that will take place on 20 May at 17h00 at the Institute of Political Studies of...

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The North-South Prize of the Council of Europe Award Ceremony will take place on the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

03/05/2024 Lisbon

The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development celebrates the richness of the cultures of the world and the role of intercultural dialogue for achieving peace and sustainable development. On that date, 21 May at 12:00 (Lisbon time), the 2023 North-South Prize of the Council of...

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Sustainability Education: The Global Education thematic seminar fosters an exchange from North and South perspectives.

19/04/2024 Valletta

The iLEGEND III seminar “The benefits of an intercultural and holistic approach to education for sustainable development: a North-South perspective” provides a space to reflect on our education systems. This year, it takes place in Malta on 19 April, occuring back-to-back with the North-South...

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Lebanon joins the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe as an Associate Member.

02/04/2024 Lisbon

Effective as of 1st of April 2024, Lebanon joins the Enlarged Partial Agreement of the North-South Centre as an Associate Member. The Minister of Justice emphasized that “Lebanon's participation at the North-South Centre will deepen cooperation with the Council of Europe and contribute to...

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Launch of the first edition of the Rule of Law Youth Network.

05/03/2024 Lisbon

The Rule of Law Youth Network (RoLYN) aims to equip youth organisations with knowledge, tools, and a platform to delve deeper into Rule of Law issues based on Council of Europe and other international standards, instilling a sense of ownership and responsibility among youth, and encouraging youth...

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First meeting of the network of journalists for the rule of law and human rights.

07/02/2024 Lisbon

Today and tomorrow mark the first meeting of the "Agir ensemble (Act Together): Journalists for the rule of law and human rights" initiative, which brings together a network of women journalists to strengthen communication on the standards and values promoted by the Council of Europe in the MENA...

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On International Day of Education, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe emphasises the significance of Global Education for Peace.

24/01/2024 Lisbon

“Learning for Lasting Peace” is the theme of this year’s International Day of Education. Global Education serves as the cornerstone for nurturing the principles of solidarity, understanding, and cooperation among individuals and communities. Teachers and educators play a crucial role in...

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The 2023 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe rewards two outstanding players in human rights.

16/01/2024 Lisbon

The North-South Prize of the Council of Europe is awarded to Ms. Amina Bouayach and to the Global Campus of Human Rights for their notable contributions to the defense and promotion of human rights. Ms. Amina Bouayach is committed to the promotion of human rights, gender equality, and the...

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Launch of the Arab Plan for Human Rights Education with Global Education perspectives.

19/12/2023 Tunis

The Arab Plan for Human Rights Education, launched in Tangier, Morocco, on 5 and 6 December 2023, aims to strengthen the contribution of member states of the League of Arab States to the ongoing efforts in the field of human rights education. It also seeks to strengthen the promotion of a culture...

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The Training Course on Global Education and Media will welcome 40 participants. Apply to be one of them!

15/12/2023 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe launches a Tutored Online Training Course on Global Education and Media, to take place from 29 January to 25 February 2024. Part of the iLegend III project, the training course aims at providing participants with new skills and competences on Global...

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Global Education Week 2023 launches today with theme "Peace for the Planet, A Planet of Peace".

13/11/2023 Lisbon

The Global Education Week launches a week-long mobilisation in Europe and beyond under the theme "Peace for the Planet, A Planet of Peace". The launch of this campaign is set to ignite discussions and activities emphasising the pivotal role Global Education plays in building a peaceful and...

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Rule of Law Youth Network (RoLYN) seeks Youth Representatives to Combat Corruption and Protect the Environment

08/11/2023 Lisbon

In a context of raising threats to the rule of law and democratic backsliding, where, at the same time, environmental degradation demands urgent action respectful of human rights, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (NSC) and the joint European Union/Council of Europe South Programme...

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The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe at the World Forum for Democracy.

06/11/2023 Lisbon

The 11th World Forum for Democracy revolves around the pertinent theme: "Democracy = Peace?" Over the course of three days starting today, more than 150 decision-makers and activists will discuss solutions to crucial challenges faced by democracies worldwide. A significant part of the programme,...

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Award Ceremony of the North-South Prize of the Council of Europe to take place on 14 December 2023.

31/10/2023 Lisbon

The 2022 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe award ceremony is scheduled to occur in Lisbon at the Assembleia da República of Portugal on 14 December at noon (Lisbon time). The Prize will be awarded to two entities: The Association of Ukrainian Cities and The Intergovernmental Panel on...

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The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe's contribution to the ongoing Conference of Ministers of Education.

28/09/2023 Strasbourg

The North-South Centre participates in the 26th session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education “The Transformative Power of Education: Universal Values and Civic Renewal”, on 28 and 29 September 2023 in Strasbourg, France. The main themes are the renewal of...

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Southern Mediterranean Event Aims to Foster Fair Criminal Proceedings and Collaboration

Regional Simulation in Spain Targets Victim-Centered Approach in Human Trafficking Cases.

28/09/2023 Lisbon

In a significant development in the global fight against human trafficking, the second regional simulation on the referral of victims of human trafficking in the Southern Mediterranean is happening this week from 24 to 29 September 2023, at the Antonio Machado Campus in Baeza, Spain. This event,...

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The International Day of Peace through the lens of the University on Youth and Development.

21/09/2023 Mollina, Spain

As part of the iLEGEND III project, 237 participants representing 70 nationalities are currently actively engaged in the University on Youth and Development taking place in Mollina (Spain), from 18 to 23 September, under the theme "Young People, Peace, and Climate Change." The Network on Youth...

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The Lisbon Forum 2023 highlights the central role of young people in advocating for human rights, addressing environmental challenges, and preventing economic crime.

13/09/2023 Lisbon

Building on the Council of Europe’s priorities established at the Reykjavik Summit in May 2023, the 29th edition of the Lisbon Forum on “Human Rights, Environment and Economic Crimes: Youth at the forefront” will explore the intricate connections between economic crimes, corruption, and...

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The Global Education Week 2023 explores the theme "Peace for the Planet, A Planet of Peace".

17/07/2023 Lisbon

Over 300 000 participants yearly join in the iLEGEND’s Global Education Week, taking place the third week of November and involving thousands of activities around Global Citizenship Education, SDGs and everyone’s co-responsibility to achieve them. The Global Education Week is organised by the...

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Meet the partnership of the 22nd edition of the University on Youth and Development.

14/07/2023 Lisbon

Eight youth organisations will join the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe in the 22nd edition of the University on Youth and Development (UYD) to take place in Mollina (Spain) from 17 to 24 September 2023. The partnership just kicked off the preparations with a preliminary meeting last...

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Applications are now open for the online course on Global Education and Intercultural/Interfaith Dialogue.

14/06/2023 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe launches a Tutored Online Training Course on Global Education and Intercultural/Interfaith Dialogue, to take place from the 18th of September to the 15th of October 2023. Part of the iLEGEND III project, the training course aims at providing...

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Call for nominations for the 2023 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe.

07/06/2023 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe announces the opening of the call for nominations for the 29th North-South Prize of the Council of Europe. The call allows to identify activists, personalities or organisations that have distinguished themselves by their exceptional commitment to...

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Call for activities to integrate the Programme of the University on Youth and Development 2023.

02/06/2023 Lisbon

The University on Youth and Development (UYD) will take place from 17 to 24 September 2023 in Mollina (Spain) on the theme: Young People, Peace and Climate change. Activity proposals are open for submission to the North-South Centre secretariat until 20 June 2023. The UYD is an international...

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The 2022 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe awarded to the Association of Ukrainian Cities and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

31/05/2023 Lisbon

The Jury of the North-South Prize of the Council of Europe has decided to award the Association of Ukrainian Cities and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with the 2022 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe. The Association of Ukrainian Cities was selected in recognition of its...

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Thematic seminar on reinforcing the competences of education practitioners to manage intercultural and interfaith dialogue takes place today.

18/05/2023 Lisbon

The iLEGEND III seminar “Reinforcing competences of education practitioners to manage intercultural and interfaith dialogue” provides a space for fifty participants from over thirty countries to analyse and discuss the latest developments shaping intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the...

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The Global Education Network meets in Lisbon.

16/05/2023 Lisbon

Today and tomorrow, the Global Education Network of the North South Centre of the Council of Europe meets at the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, (IPDJ). It is the first annual meeting of the Global Education Network under the ILEGEND third cycle. An important gathering for thirty of its...

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Call for communication service providers in the field of Global Education!

05/04/2023 Lisbon

The Council of Europe and the European Union are currently implementing the iLEGEND III project, Intercultural Learning Exchange through Global Education, Networking and Dialogue, until December 2026. In this context, a call for tender for the provision of communication services is open to...

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A Euro-Med Civil Society Lab to support youth participation in democratic reforms in the Southern Mediterranean.

15/03/2023 Lisbon

At the occasion of the Launching Event of the fifth phase of the South Programme : "Protecting human rights, rule of law and democracy through shared standards in the Southern Mediterranean", taking place in Lisbon, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe gathers a group of fourteen...

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The protection of all women is a priority.

08/03/2023 Lisbon

On International Women's Day, it is important to reaffirm our shared commitment to combating gender-based power inequalities, which underlie violence against women worldwide. We must ensure that women are protected from all forms of violence, exploitation, and abuse. The Council of Europe's...

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Spain makes a voluntary contribution to the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.

19/01/2023 Lisbon

The Government of Spain has made a voluntary contribution of €30,000 to support the project “PEACE YP: Promoting Euro-Africa Cooperation to Enhance Youth Participation for Peace” and another one of €20,000 to contribute to the project “All informed-All concerned: Promoting diversity and...

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The Training Course on Global Education and Media will welcome 30 participants. Apply to be one of them!

18/01/2023 Lisbon

Part of the iLegend III project, the training course aims at providing participants with new skills and competences on Global Education, Media Literacy and Digital Citizen Education. It targets education practitioners in the formal and non-formal sector, media professionals and state and...

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The Council of Europe and the European Union renew their joint commitment to strengthening the principles and methodologies of Global Education.

20/12/2022 Lisbon

Implemented by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, and building on previous editions of the project, iLEGEND III is co-funded by the Council of Europe and the European Union in the framework of the Development Education and Awareness-Raising Programme (DEAR). This new project aims to...

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Malta makes a voluntary contribution to the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.

14/12/2022 Lisbon

The Government of Malta has made a voluntary contribution of €30 000 to support the project “PEACE YP: Promoting Euro-Africa Cooperation to Enhance Youth Participation for Peace”, which is implemented by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe part of the Youth Cooperation Programme. The...

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This year's Lisbon Forum is dedicated to the current state of international cooperation, and brings together voices for peace, cooperation and solidarity.

06/12/2022 Lisbon

On 13 December 2022, experts, activists and decision-makers will meet for the 28th edition of the Lisbon Forum to discuss the state of play of international co-operation. It will be an opportunity to assess the impact of the different crises such as the war in Ukraine, and the new geopolitical...

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