About the project

 The Rule of Law Youth Network (RoLYN) emerged as a significant outcome of the 29th edition of the Lisbon Forum, themed "Human Rights, Environment, and Economic Crimes: Youth at the forefront".

RoLYN aims to equip youth organisations with tools to delve deeper into Rule of Law issues, enabling them to actively participate in civic life, foster a culture of accountability and responsibility, and cultivate opportunities for socio-economic progress. By instilling a sense of ownership and responsibility among youth, RoLYN seeks to establish a network of well-informed and engaged young representatives who, through their respective organisations, will continue advocating for the Rule of Law within their communities.

RoLYN operates in two-year cycles, during which youth representatives from the North-South Centre's (NSC) European member States, the Southern Mediterranean, and Sub-Saharan Africa are selected through a public call. These representatives engage in a series of capacity-building activities followed by opportunities for seed-funding grants to develop projects within their communities.

The inaugural cycle, spanning 2024-2025, centers on exploring the interconnections between corruption and environmental degradation. The primary objectives include empowering youth representatives to positively influence anti-corruption efforts and advocating for and participating in anti-corruption reforms aimed at safeguarding the environment.


Read the concept note 


First year residential activities
Three dimensions

Increase participants’ awareness and build their capacities to act as agent of changes, based on Council of Europe standards and tools.

Support the development of initiatives of the network to act as multipliers in the dissemination of acquired capacities and skills in their communities.

Provide a space for experience sharing and networking, creating a platform where participants can exchange insights, knowledge, and ideas.

The network 2024-2025

Following an extensive selection process of over a hundred applications, the RoLYN Network now comprises a cohort of 20 young individuals representatives of youth organisations, youth-led initiatives, associations and/or networks, working on issues related to youth participation, good governance, anticorruption and/or protection of environment at local, national, or international level.

The selected youth organisations are : 

Follow the project on social media
North-South Centre of the Council of Europe 

  (Main Facebook Page)  I    (Youth cooperation Facebook page) I   

South Programme 


Context and fundings

The RoLYN builds on the South Programme V priorities and exemplifies the new strategy of the North-South Centre for 2024-2027, which aims to foster stronger synergies with the Council of Europe's Neighbourhood Policy in the Southern Mediterranean that continues to advance the creation of a common legal space between Europe and the Southern Mediterranean. The North-South Centre adds value by raising awareness among civil society, notably young people, of the CoE's values and standards, as a means to ensure the sustainability of democratic reforms. The event is organised in the framework of project PEACE YP: Promoting Euro-Africa Cooperation to Enhance Youth Participation for Peace, financed by the governments of Malta, Portugal, and Spain, with the support of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Protecting human rights, the rule of law and democracy through shared standards in the Southern Mediterranean” (South Programme V), co-financed by both organisations and implemented by the Council of Europe.