Zurück Jelena Drenjanin on International Women’s Day: “During the pandemic, women’s rights have suffered setbacks. Cities and regions must help reverse these trends”

Jelena Drenjanin on International Women’s Day: “During the pandemic, women’s rights have suffered setbacks. Cities and regions must help reverse these trends”

Congress Spokesperson on Gender Equality, Jelena Drenjanin (Sweden, EPP/CCE), highlighted that, while gender equality is an integral part of our democratic societies, the past year had not seen a breakthrough in women’s rights. “Instead, we see an increase in reactionary trends and hate speech towards women, endangering the progress we have made so far. Cities and regions have a crucial role to play in reversing these trends” she stated, on the occasion of International Women's Day.

The spokesperson noted the undermining of basic sexual and reproductive rights in several member States of the Council of Europe. “This represents a dangerous setback in human rights, but also a great health risk for women, who may be forced to look for ways to end their pregnancy in unsafe conditions,” she warned, highlighting that local authorities can take action by providing safe spaces for women and being alert to hate speech, especially around abortion clinics.

Ms Drenjanin also drew attention to the increased sexist and domestic violence against women during this pandemic, because during lockdown periods, violence becomes less visible. She called on local and regional authorities to ensure that mechanisms for reporting abuse and violence are in place. “As we are asking people to stay home, we have a responsibility to assist those for whom home is not a safe place,” she added.

Furthermore, the socio-economic toll of the pandemic hits women harder, as they are more likely to hold precarious jobs or be unemployed. “COVID-19, like all crises, is not gender-neutral and it has exacerbated inequalities. This is why, in times of crisis, it is absolutely crucial to uphold the women’s rights,” Drenjanin concluded.


International Women's Day Strasbourg, France 8 March 2021
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