Back Kick-off of training series on PTSD in Ukraine

Kick-off of training series on PTSD in Ukraine

More than 25 psychologists and psychiatrists from different regions of Ukraine deepened their knowledge of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at this first training organised by the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe. The workshop entitled “Emergency and Immediate Interventions” focussed on early detection, diagnosis and treatment of acute stress reactions among IDPs who experienced traumatic situations. The participants also practiced various simulation and relaxation techniques that are used to help people in distress. The event has been organised under the Council of Europe project ‘Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine’ and was led by experts of the ICSPC (Israel Community Stress and Prevention Center) and the Israel Trauma Coalition (ITC). Two additional workshops, supervision sessions and a final round table will be organised this year in the framework of this project to further improve psycho-social support for IDPs in Ukraine.

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