What we do

Law enforcement activities

The Pompidou Group brings together law enforcement officers, experts and the private sector to better tackle drug trafficking via airports and general aviation, illicit drug trade online and diversion of precursors.

International Drug Policy Academy

The International Drug Policy Academy enables policy makers and experts to enhance their skills and knowledge in the drugs field. Together they learn how to develop coherent and sustainable drug policies.

Mediterranean co-operation (MedNET)

The Mediterranean network for co-operation on drugs and addictions promotes collaboration and exchange of knowledge between countries on both sides of the Mediterranean.

South-East Europe Co-operation

The Pompidou Group fosters co-operation and dialogue among South-East European law enforcement, as well as social care and health professionals through practical experience sharing at regional level.

European Drug Prevention Prize

The European Drug Prevention Prize recognises outstanding drug prevention projects that are designed or implemented by young people, for young people.

Criminal Justice and Health in Prison Programme

The Criminal Justice and Health in Prison Programme helps countries to strengthen comprehensive drug treatment systems in prisons by improving the skills and knowledge of prison staff as regards treating drug addiction in detention.

Crosscutting and emerging issues

The Pompidou Group is driving the debate on the crosscutting issue of human rights and gender and responds to new drug policy challenges with a variety of innovative concepts and hands-on projects.

Online addictions

This new area of work for the Pompidou Group focuses on elaborating responses to reduce risks and prevent addictions facilitated by technologies.