
  • Implementation Guidelines for Psycho-Social Support in Disasters [EN]

Turkish Red Crescent, which was founded by a bunch of volunteers in 1868 under extremely
hard conditions, has now become the most effective and strongest non-governmental organisation of Turkey with more than 650 branches, hundreds of thousands of members and volunteers, wide service network, and modern and dynamic structure. Turkish Red Crescent with its 140 years of experience is doing humanitarian relief works with a view to protecting human dignity. Playing an active role in easing the sufferings of human after either natural disasters and wars and conflicts, which we call man-made disasters, Turkish Red Crescent diversifies its service areas day by day. Apart from the provision of post-disaster emergency accommodation, food and partial healthcare services to disaster victims, Turkish Red Crescent conducts major and scientific studies in psychological support seeing that disaster victims need this type of support, too. The Psycho-Social Support Unit, active since 2001 as part of the Centre for Disaster Operations, raises awareness among disaster victims concerning how to cope with post-disaster situations with the help of the Unit’s psychologists and social workers, in Turkey and in the rest of the world.
Being one of the world’s leading National Societies which have psycho-social support programmes, Turkish Red Crescent’s psycho-social works serve as a model for the world and are praised. It shares its experiences with sister National Societies and in particular contributes to the training of the local psycho-social workers in the countries where humanitarian aid practices are seen. This guideline for Psycho-social Support aim to provide guidance to field relief workers and volunteers. Being a reference work prepared based on the experiences and assessments of our specialists, these guidelines draw the general framework of psyscho-social support and provide information on the psycho-social support practices, human resources, volunteers and vulnerable groups (...).

  • TENTS Rehberi [TR]

Bu rehber, yasanan afetler ve önemli travmatik olaylar sonrasinda verilen psiko-sosyal hizmetler
ile ilgili, bugüne dek yapilan arastirma sonuçlarinin sistematik bir sekilde incelenmesi ve 25 farkli
ülkeden 106 profesyonel ve uzman kisinin « Delphi » adi verilen bir sürece katilmasi sonucu
ortaya çikarilmistir. Bu çalisma sürecinin sonucunda, afet sonrasi sunulan hizmetlerin, içerik ve
örgütlenme bakimindan ülkeler arasinda farkliliklar gösterdigi görülmüstür. Bu nedenle, yasanan
afet veya önemli travmatik olaylar sonrasinda, psiko-sosyal hizmetlerin verilmesi asamasinda,
tüm Avrupa ülkelerinde TENTS Rehberi’nin kullanilmasi zorunlu kilinmadan önerilmektedir.
TENTS Rehberi, nüfusu 250,000-500,000 olan bölgelere yönelik olarak hazirlanmis olmakla
birlikte, daha kalabalik ya da nüfusu daha az olan bölgelere de uyarlanabilmektedir. TENTS
Rehberi, alti bölümden olusmaktadir: planlama, hazirlik ve yönetim; genel unsurlar; ve
müdahalenin belirgin asamalarinda gündeme alinmasi gereken özel unsurlar. Unsurlarin
birçogunda bireye odaklanilmistir ancak sunulan psiko-sosyal hizmetlerde, bireylerin sosyal
ortamlarinin, özellikle de aile ve içinde yasadiklari toplumun özelliklerinin göz önünde
bulundurulmasi gerektigi unutulmamalidir.