Page updated 1 July 2024

Since its establishment, EURIMAGES has supported 2 495 international co-productions for a total amount of approximately 709 million Euros.

This funding history reflects the decisions on co-production support adopted by the Board of Management of Eurimages prior to 2022 and subsequently by the Executive Committee of the Fund.  It does not show possible total or partial cancellations of support which may arise in the situations provided for by the Co-production Support Regulations, nor any changes to the structures of the co-productions which may have intervened after the support decision.

Coproductions supported since 1989

Click on the year to see the list

2024 >>

[last update: 01/07/2024]

  • Feature films (42) : €13 060 000
  • Documentaries (11) : €1 069 000
  • Animation (4) : €1 623 000
  • Total Amount (57) : €15 752 000

2023 >>

[last update: 14/12/2023]

  • Feature films (71) : €21 425 000
  • Documentaries (16) : €1 800 000
  • Animation (7) : €2 832 000
  • Total Amount (94) : €26 057 000

2022 >>

[last update: 12/12/2022]

  • Feature films (52) : €14 899 000
  • Documentaries (13) : €1 373 000
  • Animation (6) : €2 462 000
  • Total Amount (71) : €18 734 000

2021 >>

[last update: 9/12/2021]

  • Feature films (85) : €20 195 000
  • Documentaries (14) : €1 454 000
  • Animation (11) : €4 130 000
  • Total Amount (110) : €25 779 000

2020 >>

[last update: 14/12/2020]

  • Feature films (72) : €17 368 700
  • Documentaries (24) : €3 103 000
  • Animation (4) : €1 620 000
  • Total Amount (100) : €22 091 700

2019 >>

[last update: 13/12/2019]

  • Feature films (58) : €15 385 300
  • Documentaries (6) : €570 000
  • Animation (9) : €2 840 600
  • Total Amount (73) : €18 795 900

2018 >>

[last update: 17/12/2018]

  • Feature films (63) : €16 558 344
  • Documentaries (10) : €1 302 000
  • Animation (5) : €2 080 000
  • Total Amount (78) : €19 940 344

2017 >>

[last update: 18/12/2017]

  • Feature films (83) : €19 428 108
  • Documentaries (12) : €1 113 000
  • Animation (6) : €1 605 427
  • Total Amount (101) : €22 172 535

2016 >>

  • Feature films (74):  €20 202 494
  • Documentaries (9):  €799 000
  • Animation (2):        €670 000
  • Total amount (85): € 21 671 494

2015 >>

  • Feature films (77) :  €19 502 426
  • Documentaries (10) :  €1 082 000
  • Animation (5) :         €2 035 469
  • Total amount (92) : €22 619 895

2014 >>

  • Feature films (66) :  €20 439 000
  • Documentaries (5) :  €635 000
  • Animation (3) :         €1 160 000
  • Total amount (74) :  €22 234 000

2013 >>

  • Feature films (57) :  €18 380 000
  • Documentaries (8) : €1 070 000
  • Animation (7) :       €3 070 000
  • Total amount (72) : €22 520 000

2012 >>

  • Feature films (63) :  €20 670 000
  • Documentaries (3) : €270 000
  • Animation (2) :        €770 000
  • Total amount (68) : €21 710 000

2011 >>

  • Feature films (67) :  €20 570 000
  • Documentaries (2) : €130 000
  • Animation (3) :        €1 650 000
  • Total amount (72) : €22 350 000

2010 >>

  • Feature films (47) : €16 450 000
  • Documentaries (5) : €510 000
  • Animation (4) :         €2 300 000
  • Total amount (56) : €19 260 000 

2009 >>

  • Feature films (46) : €17 000 000
  • Documentaries (6) :  €1 030 000
  • Animation (3) :         €1 430 000
  • Total amount (55) : €19 460 000

2008 >>

  • Feature films (51) : €19 525 000
  • Documentaries (6) : €675 000
  • Total amount (57) : €20 200 000 

2007 >>

  • Feature films (55) : €20 890 000
  • Documentaries (6) : €618 000
  • Total amount (61) : €21 508 000 

2006 >>

  • Feature films (54) :€18 790 000
  • Documentaries (2) : €475 000
  • Total amount (56) : €19 265 500

2005 >>

  • Feature films (57) : €19 204 000
  • Documentaries (4) : €332 145
  • Total amount (61) : €19 536 145

2004 >>

  • Feature films (50) : €18 986 591
  • Documentaries (5) : €555 000
  • Total amount (55) : €19 541 591

2003 >>

  • Feature films (50) : €19 532 775
  • Documentaries (7) : €546 716
  • Total amount (57) : €20 079 491

2002 >>

  • Feature films (47) : €17 592 798
  • Documentaries (5) : €805 000
  • Total amount (51) : €18 397 798

2001 >>

  • Feature films (50) : €17 896 515
  • Documentaries (7) : €551 224
  • Total amount (57) : €18 447 739

2000 >>

  • Feature films (43) : €16 186 000
  • Documentaries (2) : €300 000
  • Total amount (45): €16 486 000

1999 >>

  • Feature films (63) : €17 508 771 
  • Documentaries (9) : €424 571 
  • Total amount (72) : €17 933 342

1998 >>

  • Feature films (59) : €18 854 900
  • Documentaries (17) : €870 485
  • Total amount (76) : €19 725 385

1997 >>

  • Feature films (58) : €17 691 708
  • Documentaries (21) : €1 655 598
  • Total amount (79 ): €19 347 306

1996 >>

  • Feature films (68) : €18 909 774
  • Documentaries (19) : €991 682
  • Total amount (87) : €19 901 456

1995 >>

  • Feature films (83) : €23 613 156
  • Documentaries (16) : €772 917
  • Total amount (99) : €24 386 073

1994 >>

  • Feature films (71) : €21 213 280
  • Documentaries (18) : €828 561
  • Total amount (89) : €22 041 841

1993 >>

  • Feature films (58) : €18 385 353
  • Documentaries (15) : €1 108 610
  • Total amount (73) : €19 493 963

1992 >>

  • Feature films (52) : €18 090 213
  • Documentaries (8) : €543 482
  • Total amount (60) : €18 633 695

1991 >>

  • Feature films (38) : €13 404 236
  • Documentaries (5) : €338 746
  • Total amount (43) : €13 792 982

1990 >>

  • Feature films (40) : €13 702 578
  • Documentaries (4) : €274 409
  • Total amount (44) : €13 976 987

1989 >>

  • Feature films (15) : €6 194 004